The Ultimate solution To Never Giving Up

"Keep Going

Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end."

Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart


Life always presents you with challenges which you need to overcome. It is like the game of Steeplechase where you need to jump over obstacles to win the race. The story of the Israelites going to the promised land fascinates me. There was a shorter route they would have taken, yet they went round and round in the desert. They had no otherwise as the pillar of fire and a cloud always guided them. God wanted it to be that way so that were they to meet problems and challenges in the promised land, they would not dare to go back. We are all like the Israelites to get challenges on the way. Never give up.

Never give up when storms threaten to break you up. Those storms are there to strengthen you and make you steadfast. Sail with the storms and when they abet emerge the winner.

Don't give up when what you want to achieve seems too high. You have all the brain to chip in little by little till you reach that high. It is not bad to look for a ladder. You can climb on boxes. At times you will stumble with them on the ground. Wake up and begin again. You will finally reach. Those big inventers failed too but they never gave up and won. You can too.

Never give up when people laugh at you and pull you down. Remember nobody wants success more than you. It is not about people but about you. Seek how to ignore their criticism and forge on. Never give up.

Never ever give up when what you need most is to give up. There is always a silver lining at the end of the cloud. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Aim at it. Never ever give up.

Never give up when all that life gives you is hardships. You are not soft yourself. That is why you get hard stuff. They will harden you more. No bridge is ever built that cannot be able to carry the weight it was designed for. If it collapses then the engineers were fake. The engineer who made you was a super engineer. He knew you can carry the weight. Never ever give up.

"Never ever give up!"

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