Allan Watts On the Condition of the Mind and Why Not to Worry

Allan Watts a brilliant philosopher talks about the mind and compulsive thinking.

He covers the topic of worrying about things and re-thinking about the same thoughts again and again. The below video may have some of you realize this traits in yourself, and perhaps upon reflection might be able to recognize this pattern of behavior so that you might avert it.

Overthinking and over-analyzing situations in your own life is something which everyone is guilty from time to time. It is a default position for many that can seem to increase the importance of even the smallest matters out of proportion. Where you get into a cycle of thinking, what might be, and how this situation might turn out. And then focusing on the motivations of that person, and if they like you, and how you might react in the similar situation again.

It is helpful to see this pattern and recognize when that pattern of over-analysis occurs. If you catch yourself in this thought pattern, it is helpful to be mindful and to break out of that cycle which then can free you to pursue hobbies, pursuits or things which you enjoy doing and which add value to your life.

In the end, we need to not sweat the small stuff.

Thankyou and have a wonderful day

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