Lust ,Love And Languor In From The Land Of The Moon ||| 月の国からの欲望と愛と恋人

Rose-Drunk Love: Marion Cotillard as Gabrielle in Nicole Garcia's From The Land of The Moon.
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"Why choose to be sad?"

Gabrielle (Marion Cotillard), the protagonist of From the Land of the Moon, addresses that query to the man who's agreed to marry her. But it'd simply as well be directed to Gabrielle herself, or to veteran French author-director Nicole Garcia, due to the fact both sink into sorrow as though it had been a feather mattress.

Informed ordinarily in flashback, the film's story starts offevolved in the overdue 1940s, while Gabrielle is a teen — a stretch even for the reliably amazing however forty one-year-antique Cotillard. She plays the person over a span of twenty years without any physical transformation aside from adjustments of clothes and hair patterns.

At her youngest, Gabrielle is a deeply frustrated small-city romantic, nursing a overwhelm at the local schoolteacher. He makes the mistake of lending her a duplicate of Wuthering Heights, which Gabrielle sees as a token of the married man's hobby in her. "it is a e book!" he protests after she hands him a sexually express love letter at a communal village dinner.

Gabrielle makes a scene, and her mother (Brigitte Rouan) makes a decision that the best way to prevent similarly circle of relatives embarrassment is to marry her daughter off. She selects Jose (Alex Brendemuhl), a Catalan bricklayer who fled Franco and ended up inside the south of France. Gabrielle's rich mother and father — rich in lavender, of all things — will finance a production company for him if he marries their daughter.

Gabrielle argues against the deal, promising disappointment and, via the manner, no intercourse. Jose accepts however, and moves his new bride to a port city. He's a dutiful husband, apart from everyday Saturday-night time visits to a brothel.

Kidney stones — mal de pierres, the movie's French identify — ultimately send Gabrielle to a Swiss mountain spa for a water treatment. There she meets Andre (Louis Garrel), a good-looking lieutenant whose kidneys are in even worse form due to a tropical disease gotten smaller even as serving in France's Indochina colonies.

May want to Gabrielle turn out to be a French lieutenant's girl? She in reality thinks so.

Shadowy and sensuous, From the Land of the Moon is continuously thrilling to have a look at. Cinematographer Christophe Beaucarne shoots the widescreen imagery within the lithe handheld style common in cutting-edge French cinema, whilst the production design keeps the tale assuredly in-duration.

There may be an enveloping languor to the spa sequences, a drugginess that mimics the results of the opium Andre chews to allay ache. For Gabrielle, of direction, love is the drug. However romance seems to be recuperation even Andre, who comes from a military own family and says he's by no means really regarded a woman earlier than — although he appears more poet than soldier. The charismatically indisposed officer plays despair Tchaikovsky on the piano and reads a e book titled about Happiness — which, of path, he gives to Gabrielle.

Disappointment awaits, as it need to. But Garcia and co-scripter Jacques Fieschi's scenario — derived from Milena Agus' bestselling novella — is worse than megastar-crossed. It relies on a 3rd-act revelation that is each implausible and a story cheat. The disclosure leaves the always unsympathetic Gabrielle searching downright inexplicable.

As we already recognize from the prologue, Gabrielle and Jose are nonetheless collectively years later. But taciturn, accepting Jose is slightly developed as a person, so the survival of the wedding appears to rely upon situation alternatively character. From the Land of the Moon could have been a story of a girl's maturation, or a dating's evolution. As a substitute, it just moons approximately love so misplaced that it is able to never have existed at all.




彼女の最年少で、ガブリエルは、地元の学校の先生方に圧倒されている、非常に欲求不満の小都市ロマンチックな看護師です。彼は、ガブリエルが彼女の夫の趣味のトークンと見なしている、ウザリングハイツの写しを彼女に貸し出している間違いをしている。 "それは電子本です!"彼は共同村の夕食に性的に表現されたラブレターを手渡した後、抗議する。

ガブリエルは場面を作り、彼女の母親(ブリジット・ルアン)は、同様の親戚の恥ずかしさを防ぐ最善の方法は、娘と結婚することだと決断する。彼女はFrancoから逃げ出し、フランスの南の中で終わったカタロニア人の家族、Jose(Alex Brendemuhl)を選ぶ。ガブリエルの豊かな母親と父親は、ラベンダーが豊富で、すべてのものがあり、娘と結婚すれば、彼の制作会社に資金を提供します。

ガブリエルはこの契約に反対して、失望を約束し、そのような方法で、性交渉はしないと主張する。しかし、ホセはそれを受け入れ、彼の新しい花嫁を港町に移した。彼は毎日の土曜 - 夜間の売春宿訪問以外に、忠実な夫です。

腎臓の石 - マル・デ・ピエール、映画のフランスの識別 - 最終的にガブリエルをスイスの山岳温泉に送り、水処理を行います。そこでは、フランスのインドシナ植民地で働いているにもかかわらず、熱帯病のために腎臓がさらに悪化している、見栄えの良い中尉、アンドレ(ルイス・ガレル)と会う。


シャドウと官能的な、月の国から見ていることに絶え間なくスリリングです。撮影監督のChristophe Beaucarneは、最先端のフランス映画によく見られるハンドヘルドスタイルのワイドスクリーン画像を撮影しますが、プロダクションデザインではその期間を確実に維持しています。


それが必要なので、失望が待っています。しかし、Garciaと共同編集者のJacques Fieschiのシナリオは、Milena Agusのベストセラー小説に由来していますが、メガスター交差より悪いです。それは、それぞれが信じられない第三者の啓示とストーリー・チートに依存しています。この開示は、いつも変わらないガブリエルが完全に不可解な検索を残している。


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