The human identity as an object of interpretation

Man is unique in his own. He is born alone and dies alone, but can’t live alone. He grows, lives and creates in environment with similar individuals, in a community that builds and determines his essence, his individuality. Fight with the doubt to reach the faith. To reach the security that makes one feel comfortable and ready for action. According to Charles Peirce science is endless and evolves because of the security that one achieves after a state of doubt. How can one be interpreted? He is unique in himself. Indeed, human curiosity is so powerful that it stains everything that is directed toward it. A person's craving for knowledge is irrecoverable even when it has fatal consequences. Adam and Eve taste the forbidden but multiplied fruit of the tree of knowledge, which opens their eyes spiritually, makes them equal to the highest - they know good and evil.DQmU2GzJzfgfRugrNfXKY4xQ3psaxx98WheiyCsYtA9ZpiQ.jpegIn the legend of Doctor Faust, human identity is interpreted as a range of titanic desire to explore the vast ground and underground world, for which he doesn’t hesitate to surrender his soul to the devil. The consequences of this desire may be fatal at times, but the choice for them is individual. One decides for his own life, although he is little or very tied, chained to the being of his social environment. Though some knowledge calms the soul, the touch of others burns like fire and throws consciousness into alarming torture. The thing is that some people know the reasons, others don’t. In the ranks of which you will be, depends on what is the threshold of your language, social and cultural status. How big is the boundary of your interpretation. Whether you manage to perceive, interpret correctly and accurately the meaning of certain cultural events and facts. What is your desire - to know, to be able to be a person of knowledge that he or she manifests as a man of action or a person who unconditionally governs it. That is the question. That's the choice. This is the identity of every human individual. How is seen, perceived, accomplished, developed and lived. What is his value rock. Where he tries to go, with whom and how, how he wants to make his life. Whether left, subordinate entirely to foreign chains, or at least will try to overcome his own, leaving some freedom to exist (interpreting).DQmdevNZDZr1aHMuAaAY7kmm18xCMMGvaUMZ7GtLFVKhea4.jpegThe future is a value that a person has to prepare for today, to wake up in the new day with the intention of continuing, advancing, succeeding. So in tomorrow we will transfer not the hope, not the dream, but today's benefit, the current accumulated knowledge and skills to increase them - that gives us the confidence that we will progress. We get to know and use the knowledge and skills to act ever more correctly, to err less and to become more purposeful and progress more and more. These are transitions through which our identity evolves. Every transition through which our knowledge progresses in its normal course is called interpretation. Its boundaries are determined by what kind of life and social experience a person has. It also depends on the sign system, the type of signs that one perceives. In any case, identity and its interpretation are tied to psychological mechanisms that determine the processes of human brain processing. Through such signs we know reality, we can perceive them with our senses. Signs define the boundaries of our thought and intellect, we are what they give us the opportunity to be. According to Charles Peirce, in the end, not so much we think of the signs as they think us. And the thresholds that are determined by the linguistic, cultural and social experience one can overcome if there is a desire for development and improvement, for enriching one's own essence and intellect. Who are you and what do you want to be? Perhaps thousands of people are asking this question and are waiting for the answer to decide to make a decision. Perhaps I would do so in a certain aspect when I have gone into the unknown for me. In the unfamiliar environment, we are startled, looking for the easy and familiar, which gives us the security we need. Why should we run from the unknown? Why won’t we go straight into the fight? Let's follow our well-known heroes of children's tales who always look for good and are ready for anything to find it.DQmRrJYo2zzgkExhR8YsGfCE7arDBNs3r4W8RQQ9Zch8Tnx_1680x8400.jpegWhether because of being - the middle, our status is conditioned by the external factors that we want or not - are bonding us, and hold us in the body from which we can’t afford to go away / or we just don’t want to /. The child's soul is a pure mountain crystal that sparks, dancing, singing with the fairy-tale characters, equalizing them, dreaming of being like them, but only because it is surrounded by love and protected by parents and relatives. But when the child breaks down and falls away, when the child begins to build his individuality, his "self," when he enters the general life and work environment, the enchanting magic is no longer there. Foremost is the daily struggle for vital success, a struggle that is sometimes very cruel and guided by every individual. Identical, individual potential based on knowledge, professional status knowledge. Why are we afraid? Ignorance brings us together and stops going forward, looking, looking out, believing in ourselves. The unknowing of some aspects of life is a multi-faceted lamia against which we have to confront, to assert our identity, which we must interpret with our own strength - without "Excalibur". But we will have them only if we educate, develop and successfully interpret the new environment by building a person able to compete with all the innovations, progress and professional requirements. How do we call those who walk before us? People who aspire to be personalities that engage, guide inerts, but also those in which there is a spark of development and a desire for a better life. These are Leaders who are not afraid to go forward, assert and prove their faith and righteousness. To lead a battle or to embark on a political struggle to promote this better life, which will be not only for them but also for those who follow them. They are in front of everyone - "on the ridge of the wave" because they want it and succeed, based on skills and knowledge of life's lessons, thanks to its accumulated experience and desire to share it with people like them. This is a necessity for an age in which one lives with self-confidence, that he makes the world with knowledge and from knowledge. In order for man to be the master of his life, he must have knowledge of himself as a natural being. Since this knowledge is acquired by desire and labor, and the man acts according to him, wisely, plannedly, namely for him: "Knowledge is power." That's why we're Homo sapiens. The knowledgeable person is free, independent, sovereign, so self-proclaimed sovereigns hate him, persecute, but fear the scientist. Such a person has not only knowledge, but also consciousness, that is, ability to use knowledge properly.

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