A Beam Of Light

So here we are looking to be entertained or maybe to even learn something. I don’t teach and I’m only a bit of a clown, so what to expect from this post. Well, I shed light on those areas that may have only been glanced over. You see, the fact is that everything we really need to know is buried within each of us. Everything that exists is from one source as we are from the same source. The same coded information that makes up our reality is the same code that we and all that we experience is created on.
Can you read and create the right code? Definitely, however you must understand the guidelines and standards required. I’ll do my best to help with that using some examples to make it easier.

What you do and think is what and who you are. No one can change this. So even when we might seek to conceal our thoughts and actions the result is the same, only not disclosed. When we tell lies we are liars no matter if it’s unknown to the recipient of our lies. This behavior is in it self code writing and that code will continue to produced until it is replaced. So the decisions that create our future are very clear to see so long as we are transparent with ourselves. These are things we are all aware of yet they become clouded by our sense of reason.

Focus and attention are two areas that need to be examined and corrected in order to make changes in our behavior and thus writing a code for success. It’s very important to understand that feelings and emotions have no place in writing code. Logic, rules, and standards are used for this. We only have a limited amount of focus and our attention span is barely measurable. So it is extremely important to be aware of what we give our attention to and what we are focusing on. These two play a huge role in who we are and the code that we write. If one’s focus is on a particular subject such as being entertained then that’s where their attention will follow or vice versa. The problem again is reason, we would love to believe that we are all the greatest multitaskers ever born and so we bear the burden of the consequences. One just can’t be equally focused on the profitable and unprofitable. Be very aware of what is happening around you to the point that you are constantly asking, is this truly profitable? Not, do I like it or do I hate it. A simple question to be asked at almost every moment, is this truly profitable? If you are honest with yourself and you immediately reject what is not, then you will become profitable in every aspect of your life. So when your attention is on something or you are focusing on a particular subject, you should ask is this profitable? Stay away from reason! If you make excuses such as it’s my best friend that needs me to listen to her/ him or just this once more, then understand that you are making a conscience decision to fail. An example of focus and attention that brings negative results is paying too much attention to the past. This pulls your focus away from the future. You can’t see what’s coming ahead if you are looking behind. What you pay attention to is more than likely what you will focus on, so ask yourself again, is it truly profitable? I want to make clear that I do believe that knowledge and understanding of the past is very valuable, however I am not one to say that only the past creates the future. Some believe that we are propelled by past events. I see it evenly, I believe that the future is pulling us forward just as much as the past is pushing.

This is just a start and I will share more if I see a positive measure of response. I will be asking at that moment, is this truly profitable. To be clear, when I say profitable I am not referring to currency alone. I mean, will this benefit myself and or others?

I sincerely hope you profit from these thoughts!

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