Are Human Beings Inherently Good or Bad?


A friend asked me recently if I had watched the news lately and I told her what l'm going to tell you. I stopped watching the news a long time ago. I just can't handle all the constant negativity that they show.

If an extra-terrestrial being was to judge the human race solely based on our various news media, it would think that we are a barbaric race of species that still hasn't evolved into anything intelligible.

Of course the reality that they show isn't the only reality and even that, is quite exaggerated in my honest opinion. But it still always makes me want to ask if we are inherently good or bad beings.

I mean, we all like to believe that we are good people, right? No one would go around telling other people that they are bad and out to get you! Well, except for a few cases anyways.

But even the self proclaimed good people are not completely free of wrong doings. So, is our species inherently good or bad? Or is the question redundant in its asking?

The State of the World


We are all aware of the state of the world and how dire things are worldwide. Don't worry, I'm not trying to be like the news. Just stating some facts here that I think will be important to answer our question.

It's a glaring fact that inequality is rampant in the world in every way imaginable! There is income inequality, there is educational inequality and even in today's world, there is gender based inequality.

There are people who waste food without even a second thought and some that even play with it just because it's fun and then there are people who aren't even able to fill their stomachs everyday.

There are countless wars fought for hidden agendas about which the public isn't informed squat! Millions of innocent people die and many more lose their loved ones in wars they had no part in.

Similarly there is so much damage to the environment going on and we are a huge reason for that.

What I'm trying to say is that, despite having the technology to solve the problems I've mentioned, despite having enough resources to satisfy every single person, why is the world in such a state, or rather, how come we let that happen? What does it say about us?

How I Look At It


I really like a saying that I had read somewhere that goes, "The world is in chaos not because bad people have made it that way, but because the good ones have remained silent for so long."

I guess if more good people would have been in charge of some really key areas, and if they had managed to keep the forces of evil at bay, this would have been a totally different world.

As to the answer of the question I posed, I believe that, there is a little good in bad, a little bad in good and it is the relationship between the two that determines how things are going to be.

The question now is, do we let nature's 'survival of the fittest' rule our very existence or do we change the rules of the game?

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