Fighting Against Fairness: One Woman's Perspective on How Fairness is Attainable

Life isn't Fair

That is the story that I have heard all of my life. And on one hand, it makes sense. On the other, I practice religion that talks about all things happen for a reason and that there is proverbial natural flow to things. They say that there is an alliance, where man must choose a side in some variety. The spirituality of the world religions does not often require that things be balanced and equal. I tend to think that the divine, God, nature, or whoever is in charge of this madness, that they must have a different playbook.

I mean if we look in the Bible, there is enough contradiction. On one hand, it says that one can enact an eye for an eye. On the other hand, it says later, to turn the other cheek. People often confuse this topic with being that the earlier writing, in the old testament, about fairness and justice was one way and the newer scripts say the opposite. While one could take from this that in the time that progressed between the old and the new testaments, that culture changed, the need for response also changed and yes, even God changed. Those with faith tend to think this way and see the word for what it is, while opponents view it as a contradiction.

Either way you cut it, the fact is that humanity has obviously struggled with the concept of fair and have equated the idea with good for longer than we should care to admit.

When in Doubt, Blame Canada

In the movie, South Park (Uncut) there is this jaunty little song called Blame Canada and it really exemplifies the problem of perception.

Fairness isn't fair and the reason for this is because ultimately it is a concept created by the existence of community and culture. At the base, people are animals. In a primal state, that which where we all exist at the core, people will reach out for food, shelter and all of their base needs. Our brains construct concepts such as planning and preparation and we have the foresight to see whether or not we will have enough for the future. With these thoughts we are able to both fight and create disease. We can both bolster our life span and reduce it at the same time.

In a primal world there are harsh consequences because there are limited resources. For humanity, many of these limitations are our own failings. In a primitive world, we live in smaller tribal groups, and solo humans aren't likely to do as well because one person isn't likely to have all of the traits within themselves to survive and live a life that is comfortable for them. Ultimately, it depends what they need to be comfortable and how capable are they of attaining it.

Coming together as social group, humans are able to capitalize on the collection of traits that exist within a number of people, who can then work together to achieve goals. As long as those goals are similar and there is a purpose for all in the tribe, fairness becomes easier to divvy up. When you get a lot of people together, this becomes increasingly difficult.

As society evolves, we begin to create a world of excess and desire, which breeds want. With this comes the divvying of resources, as we act like they are scarce and limited, ignoring that if we wanted to, they wouldn't have to be. Fairness, essentially, in the world as we see it now, is about the realization of this. People feel entitled to that which should be theirs because of the possibility of existence, yet cannot attain it because not everyone has the ability to create the wealth of resources. When the possibility of wealth is present, but withheld people tend to demand more. It isn't about them wanting what is fair, but that which is owed to them. This is all based on the perception that we are no longer animals and that we no longer live in a primitive world.

The Amalgamation of Fairness and the Confusion with Equality

As we advance and develop, our understanding of fairness changes. Because of this, there isn't ever going to be one stagnant definition of the term. Rather than holding on to the concept of fair as each person getting the same thing, we need to look more closely at what the concept of fairness really is. If you are thinking about it as a concept meaning that we all get the same then it isn't fairness that you are asking for. You are asking for equality. In truth, I don't think most people want equality, not truly. Equality requires that there be a certain level of responsibility.

Consider this...

Jenny gets a puppy. Her brother and sister, both younger than her, Sam and Rachel, also want a puppy. Do you automatically say yes? I would hope not. I would like to assume that the other two would have to qualify through their actions to show that they are responsible enough, that the family would have enough money to support more puppies and that each individual with a puppy is required to care for their puppy in a specific way.

That being said, can anyone actually do things the same way? What Jenny may do to qualify that she is responsible enough to care for a living being might be different, because Jenny does things in her own way, as do Sam and Rachel.

Giving everyone a puppy would be equal treatment, but may not be entirely fair. That is only considering the people's points of views. Think about the puppy now. What is the equal and fair to the puppy and then puppies in the situation?

The point is, fairness, ultimately is subjective. It is dependent on how we feel that the world should be, rather than how the world is. We teach our children that everyone is a winner and that each of us is special, which is, in reality helping to create an unjust world. The point is, it doesn't have to be better. Winner and special create the idea that there is something to be better than. If we are all just, us, then aren't we, in turn, being far fairer?

I Can Hear It

There is someone out there whining right now that people are special. What is wrong with striving to be better?


But... the aspect of better and fair are not mutually exclusive either, creating a conundrum of the concept

There is a difference between accepting our inherent perfect, wholeness that is complete as the bubble of awesome that we are... but much like snowflakes in our inherent singlur nature of shape and form there is an inherent similarity between us as well. In the case of a snowflake, it is only truly unique when it is alone and falling from the sky. It is also special and singular when it is in the hands of a person that recognizes it. As it falls onto a mitten or a fingertip and the person stares in wonder. For that moment, perfection is possible... until it melts and transforms back to an average droplet in liquid formation.

Perhaps fairness is attainable, but only for a finite amount of time. Then, it returns to the natural flow. It is like a cash register that rings up to a perfect number, perhaps $7.77. How often in a day does that happen? Some would manipulate it, if there was a true benefit in the number being rung up. Creating order that equate to the same number, but even then, say there was a prize won every time that register rung up to that amount. The store owner had to give the person $7.77 back to the customer. The customer, then paying nothing for their purchase walks away happy. The store just lost money, both in negating the cost of the order and then in giving free items or food or whatever away. Then, as people began to catch on, they begin creating orders for the same amount and eventually, the shop owner goes insane, gets mad or becomes bankrupt.

In a natural order, the synchronicity ould happen at random, or would happen for all all of the time. There are few things in nature or the primitive world that works like this. You have death and birth, creation and the end or finality of the created. That is pretty much it. Everything else is basically conjecture.

So the question is, do you then strive for excellence with yourself, for yourself or without yourself? The only thing that you really have is to create the fairness that works best for you, and in turn if you allow the next person to do the same and everyone practiced this, ultimately, you would have fairness for all. That being said, when you have three people doing this exercise, it's not so tough to do. Millions of people doing this, and then more, the question is whether this is possible.

Finding Fairness For Yourself

Ultimately, I believe that fairness is more like the perfection of love. It is that moment when your microcosm and the macrocosm are in sync. It is when you and your neighbor are at peace. It is when the vibrations of your world and all of the trillions of worlds around you come together and are aligned. I accept that this is not the constant state, but it is one that I strive for. That being said, in striving for this, I am also swinging wildly on the world pendulum, attracting attention with my inherent movement (as do all witches, light workers and even professionals of the mundane world) being predictable but somewhat uncontrollable. Every now and then the balance hits just so though and the reward is great. Others seek a more mundane reward, others a lower octave... and that is okay.

It may not be entirely comfortable all of the time, but how much fun would that be? The rules would be too confined to make it fair all of the time. Might as well enjoy it when the time strikes instead of being focused on recreating a moment that could will last a lifetime.

What do you think? I'd love to hear your opinion!

References: (AKA Proof that I am also human and that I rely on a collective community to thrive and advance as part of this human species experiment that we are all part of)4

Images were used from - Check it out. The site has a lot of interesting articles about fairness and other uniquely human problems.

I also borrowed ideas to develop my own thoughts from the following:

One could argue that the challenges are not the same in the new world order for the summybreards lfe.

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