¿It is lost the society? (Reflection)


Sometime of our life have done us this question, perhaps by some episode of our routine where some of the people that share surroundings with us, made a bad gesture or act of arrogance, was a case or another, everything comes given as a result of an evil deed and is when we say that the society is lost, to ensure us if this is truth, have to evaluate it low distinct appearances that allow us comprise more thorough what sucede with the humanity, since seriamos unfair if dictaminamos a concept to the society without before meditar at least of the actions that has had the species along the years.

That's why today I have me to make a series of interrogantes and affirmations that helped us to comprise a bit more the place in which we find us today day.

¿Why we say that the society is lost?

Although we know that it splits of the society, makes daily an evil deed, can not generalise, firstly because we belong to this society that are judging and would include us in this part of the citizens that do him badly to this planet. On the other hand, there are moments that they do to think to any person, in a possible massive destruction, since it has degenerate the purpose with which have been created; simply the actions of some, do not have to damage to all, but this has been the problem by a lot of years, that simply do not go more there of the action, but we remain us with what see superficialmente and do not give opportunity to the restoration generational.

¡We owe to be more condescendientes!

There are moments in our life that deserves to plant in practice the term “human”, as if we are called the dominant species of the planet by the capacity that have to reason, simply do to a side all the negative thoughts that have against of ours similar, because it could be that somebody, the one who in a future help you or do an act of mercy with you. Sometimes we shut us inside a bad concept of the humanity, but all have to give a second opportunity, since it exists something called karma, that is to say, as you judge will be court.

Simply we can cohabit with that that has done us a bad, because in some occasion of our life, the destination tornara to our favour and commissioned of that that hurt us, in few words, do not take the justice with your own hands, neither much less judge to your brother; because it remembers that all in this planet are brothers, Only because we share a planet.

¿It is difficult to have an act of mercy with which damages us?

No, since if we have our mind, body and soul to do a good act with this person can do it, as all depend on we and that we wish for our life; it remembers that in this earth if you do the well you excellent ire, that's why isolating us Of the problems will do of our present something supreme. Perhaps many of which read this publication differ in this with me, but remembers that, sometimes need to yield your place to see from another perspective like these really.

In the actuality the mercy has separated of many, but no therefore I like human being go to leave to have a good act with my prójimo. We have to leave us carry by our principles and shelve the pride inculcado by the maliciousness, if we want a better world; All always have spoken that the society this fault of unit, but escatimamos efforts to the moment to struggle to change this concept, since only we work by our profit.

¡We do of the earth a better place!

I invite you that we are part of the change and no that we serve of stone of trip for the social advance of the humanity; we do a plan where develop ideas to improve like person and once that we change our form to think and act, will be inside the history, as those that decide to differentiate the honour of the cowardice and obtained profits by such fact; everything is in our mind, owe to extract it of her and take better actions with ours Brother. When attaining a better world, will attain to evolve like species and therefore discover these knowledges that so much have wished.


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