An Original Thought?

I was thinking about what kind of post I could make on here something original that would be interesting. I spend quite some time thinking about it and then it hit me... Why not write about originality? This is what I've come up with while thinking about what makes something original.

So naturally the first thing I did was look up the dictionary definition of the word, of course I know my own interpretation of the word, but it's always good to see things from someone else's perspective to gain more knowledge.

Original: created, undertaken, or presented for the first time.

The first thing I thought about was what if we took a group of 10 people and put them in a white room with no previous knowledge of the outside world. How many thoughts would that room inspire, how many thoughts would the other 9 people inspire in the other people. In this example how much time would pass until all possible original thoughts were thought of? Think of that number as a sort of thought cloud or thought pool.

The actual world is that example but on a much grander scale. We have approx 7 billion people living on this world, all thinking and living at the same time. The thought pool here is much greater because the world for one is a lot more inspiring than that white room, but now lets think of all the past civilizations that lived on earth, every being capable of thinking and perceiving things... Do we really have that much of a greater chance of thinking of something original?

Lets think about how many thoughts you have in a day, now multiply that number by 7 billion (assuming people have a similar amount of thoughts) according to google this is between 50000-70000 thoughts per day. 3.5e+14 thoughts per day across the world assuming that the number is 50000, that is a very very large number, and it doesn't take into account the people that came before us or any other being capable of thinking. 

Of course i have no number to make an actual statistic on how likely it is to actually make an original thought or say something that has never been thought of before, but I am sure you can come to a similar conclusion to me. By now it is actually impossible to think of something original that nobody has ever thought of before.

Hopefully this was at least entertaining to read about, please leave an up-vote if you enjoyed, and maybe follow for more stuff? :)

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