Productivity Vs Enjoyment

Productivity Vs Enjoyment


So, a few days ago I was sitting at this spot, overlooking a beautiful piece of nature, with all day on my hands. No pressure, no rush, nowhere to hurry. Great time to chill out and just unwind. Although, a strange veil of some kind was still flowing around, making it impossible to completely give in and just enjoy the moment for what it is.

It got me thinking about my own balance between enjoyment and productivity. Do I have this stuff even figured out? Doubt it. Still learning, still missing.

When I think some time back, let's say roughly 9 years, I clearly recognize, that my younger "I just don't give a fuck man" self was in some kind of a naive, but still true way, able to just appreciate the moment for what it is, more truly and fully than me currently, sitting at this magnificent place.

Today, with a lot brighter outlook of the future, with more abilities and personal integrity, with stronger mind, will and sharper intuition I still look at my younger self as somehow superior to me now, simply because of that one priceless skill of truly enjoying the moment.

When I map out my progression of self evolution since hitting puberty, I can think of roughly 4 important levels, as I went through and became who I am now:

1. Enjoyment only

2. Wake up call

3. Productivity

4. Productivity Vs Enjoyment (now)

I think I am not alone in this progression of becoming a functional human and that in many cases these levels can be similar.
If you learn how to enjoy first, you can get lost in it in a really similar way, as you can get lost in being productive and working towards something.

Sometimes, we can get so entangled in our goals, work, carrier, becoming better at something or creating something, whatever it is. That is all well and good, but finding the right balance is really important, at least in my eyes. I don't want to become some kind of Dan Pena character, sleeping 2 hours a day and shouting gibberish about productivity.

Nowadays, I challenge myself to just chill more, feel more and enjoy more of now, and you can always find a moment for that.
Trying to get better and move forward, you constantly have to think about the next move. As you get lost in the projections of your goals, you can lose touch with here and now.

So, for this evening and for more calm evenings to come, I raise the glass high for all of you similar over-productive twitchers and challenge you to remember the importance of being able to just stop, perceive and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Picture - Tino Perdic -

*For all the grammar maestros out there - I apologize, not a native English speaker, so don't trip.

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