Introduction- The chronicles of a disillusioned undergrad

Argument: Our rite of passage to "adulthood" is a fundamentally flawed and precarious position
TimeReq: 2 minutes

07:55 hrs MST
Tempe, AZ

I am rearADMBulgogi- a junior at Arizona State University majoring in Computer Science.

I am chronicling an account of my experiences in college, but my hope is to parse philosophical insights from my various adventures & shenanigans. So my findings can help make changes in other people's lives to maximize their potential. And maximize their utility.

Am I arrogant? No. I really hope not. I'm a naive 20-year old after all. What the hell do I know? I'm not a professional philosopher. And I definitely accept that I could be wrong.

Disillusioned and wanting to test the rigor of dogmatic rules I deem stupid and destructive to the potential of our generation? Yes.

Basically, I think university, while partly useful, is moreso a breeding ground for parrots that unwittingly accept information force-fed to them as dogmatic axioms that define the world.

It is, in my opinion, the most precarious position for a young adult's personal development. It is the nature of youth to push the boundaries of what is possible. Whether out of naivete, hubris, passion, or anything else, to reinvent and redefine our world to make it better. To take a stand for larger-than-life ideals to create such a world. To believe that world exists.

Because it does. It's just waiting for those few noble souls to go through extreme adversity, in order to become the legends of skill and character that end up writing history.

But our rigid education system and sociocultural influences preach the message to "conform"; they unknowingly degrade one's individuality, their invaluable childlike curiosity, their critical worldviews, and the other essential qualities that defined the great men and women of past generations.

This cannot continue

So, buckle up. This isn't going to be your average blog. By no stretch of the imagination.
Regardless of what people think, I really hope my words help you in some way.

Let's begin.

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