scribbled thoughts on realism, relativism and reality

Realism in art means the effort to display the subject in a work as it appears in everyday life without any additional frills or interpretations. Its meaning can also refer to the effort in art to show truth, without even hiding a bad thing.

Discussion of realism in art may also refer to the cultural movement that began in France in the mid-19th century. But works with the idea of ​​realism actually existed in 2400 BC found in the city of Lothal, now better known by the name of India.

Relativism negates universal truth. If there is no false knowledge, because each knowledge has its own reference, then there is no universally correct knowledge. If there is no universally correct knowledge, there is no need for education, no schools, no seminars, no learning needs, no legal discussions, no communication required (even). Because, everything is true. This is the most profound consequence of protagorant relativism.

We know that in everyday life communication means the activity of communicating the truth. Truth has communicative, performative, promotive character. Truth is communicative, that's why we always thirst and miss the truth. Truth is performative, for truth presents itself, does not hide itself. Truth is promotive, therefore truth can not be clogged, can not be prevented. The truth is even charming, mesmerizing, attracting us to embrace it.

Relativism is not plausible, according to the philosophers of Socrates and Plato, for abolishing the beautiful nature of truth itself. If any knowledge in any methodology is ever true, as Protagoras declares, we are never interested in the truth of knowledge itself.

Since the introduction of "subject" and "object" terminology, relativism is identified with subjectivism. That is, relative knowledge is dependent knowledge or subject matter.

In the philosophy of science (or epistemology), knowledge is actually the relation of the subject knowing with the known object. For example, in the knowledge of "the sky is blue", the "blue" truth product is the result of my relation as a knowing subject with an object as I know it.

reality, in ordinary language means "the real thing, which really exists".

In its narrow sense in western philosophy, there are levels in the nature and concept of reality. These levels include, from the most subjective to the most rigorous: phenomenological realities, truths, facts, and axioms.

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