Paradox M-T!!! What about Soul, Mind and Spirit?

Hello there!
Today I would like to tell you a paradox I made up myself a long time ago and I would like you to give your own opinion about it. Before telling you the paradox itself I will tell you the reason behind it.
Everything started on my school. For my bad luck in our Philosophy class we got the hardest teacher of all High School, don’t get me wrong he was amazing, he got an awesome way to see everything and he was like a computer himself he could answer to you any question you got.
Unfortunately he got a car accident last year. He got so harm from it. He just lasted two days in the hospital then he passed away. That made me feel so sad and I still appreciate everything he did for me that’s the reason I am telling you my story now. I am still so deeply sorry that I don’t want to mention his name so I am being referring as “The Teacher” every time I talk about him.
So three years ago everyone on my class was so afraid because we were warned we would be taught by The Teacher. We did not want to fail philosophy subject that year that’s why we all were so anxious that day.
It was matter of time when we started liking and appreciating The Teacher it was an amazing and fruitful year. But then in the last period we got to make an article for him. This article would decide whether we pass on or not. We should use everything we learn about philosophy in life, doubt everything we are told, etc...
Older students told us if ten articles are hanged on just 3 pass on, so I started thinking about what I have to write about.
I got an idea but then I thought it would not be enough, then I got another idea but I got the same feeling, one time I realized that I could use my a little bit advanced knowledge about physics to get a good article, so I got to this paradox:

“We are going to start this Mental Experiment by describing what Quantum tele-transportation is, before you frightened out I want to tell is not so difficult.
The Quantum tele-transportation basically is copy the Quantum system of a particle and paste it on another particle you want to, E.g.: I got a particle (qubit) named A, this particle got a positive Quantum system (whatever that mean) that system I want it to be in another particle (qubit) named B, this one got a negative Quantum system (whatever that mean) by a process, I am not discussing here but indeed is made every day in a lot of laboratory across the world, the positive Quantum system from A it’s now on B (Attention: The particle A had not traveled where B is, more likely we got convert The particle B on a particle A, they are indistinguishable each other.)

Our human body has billions of billions of atoms that have different quantum systems (of course more complex than positive and negative I explained on the example) now is coming the interesting part:

(If you manage to get here you can finish it all, the hardest part had already written)

In a utopian world, it has built two machines; one is capable to get the Quantum systems of atoms of plenty objects, the other one is capable to get the information of the first machine and transform it in the object itself, these machines are our way of humans tele transportation.

Let’s imagine you enter in the first machine, a properly scanning of your atoms are made, when the scanning is finished, the same machine kills you with a ray gun, at the same moment the Quantum system data is sent to the second machine, in a couple of microsecond the second machine gets the data and starts “creating” you (with atoms we got from the air or somewhere else) in a microsecond you are created.

Physically the result is YOU (the same guy who walks in the first machine walks away from the second one) but did I copy the Quantum systems of your soul or mind or spirit? Do they have one? I can assure you are in the same body but in spiritual way are you the same guy? Your conscience where is it? Can we say you were dead and resurrect?

We got a problem with that statement. If you response is affirmative about the second you has soul or mind, you got a big trouble you need to explain me in which part of the process Conscience, Spirit or Soul have been scanned on.

If you response is negative I think you are in a bigger trouble, you just not have to explain where they have gone, if you refuse the previous statement, you are affirming that the belly of a woman in a way is something special. What is the difference between the belly of a woman and my second machine? Why in the first way you are able to get a soul, a mind and the beginning of a conscience?

Let´s imagine a parent of you gets in the first machine, the same process is made but the machine does not kill your parent, so when your parent is created by second machine would you have two identical parents? Would have created a new conscience?

Without doubt the human being needs to learn so much, not just physics about Quantum Gravity or Black holes, we got to learn more about us, there is something more than just breathing that keeps us alive.”

So this was the paradox I wrote for my final article and guess what? I was one of the three students that passed on the subject; we spent a lot of hours in class talking about this.
Now I want you to comment and tell me what you think about the paradox and what your position is.
(By the way I got a Spanish version of the paradox if you wanna read it just tell.)

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