The Great Game of Life (and how we can make it better for us all)

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Games are a microcosm of our world. Through virtual games we escape the games of our own lives and explore other realities. My interest in the universe and my career in the games industry has contributed to my understanding of the nature of our existence and I have drawn many parallels that might help in your own game stories and exploration.


Where you are is the present, the moment you surf through and into the next, snapshots of moments make up what we call the fourth dimension or time. We only experience what is rendered to the screen, in games there is no rewind button like a movie, the game is being rendered in your first-person perspective and you are interacting with it in real-time.

Just like what is rendered to the screen, played through the speakers, or whispered in headphones, our senses take in the information and process it accordingly; planning your next move, advancing your skills or simply enjoying the views. The experience we have would not be possible without the holographic nature of our minds helping us make sense of the jumble of frequencies making up our universe.

Who are we but that moment, that character in that space, at that time?


Through games we explore, create and simulate whole worlds. Your experience of life is like a character in an open world, MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) computer game. As you advance with your character, you build their skills, you collect the game currency and use it to equip your character with all that they need to survive.

With multiplayer games, that experience is replicated across to other players, but the individual experience is where all the visuals, sounds and vibrations take place. We hold the controller or the mouse, we are both the observer and the driver of the character. Whichever path we take and choices we make are up to us. We are the centre of our own universes.

The lessons in the game of life get harder and harder as we progress. We advance to the next stage when we learn from our experiences. We encounter problems, obstacles and challenges in the game and strive to overcome them.

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When you are young, you often look to the future with longing, wishing to grow up. When you’re a newbie to the game you look with longing on those ahead of you, impatient to advance to levels that unlock different skill trees.

As you age, you often look back on the past with longing, faded memories of good times past, wishing you had appreciated what you had at the time or the body of youth that could have been put to better use. As you advance in the game you might wish you had taken different steps, spent your skillpoints differently in the make-up of your character.

We can only enjoy the present moment, just enjoy the game, what you are doing in this moment right now and what you aspire to do in future moments. Personally I love exploring and learning both in games and in life, but everybody has a different playstyle.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

  • Buddha


Like an online multiplayer game the ‘clients’ - beings/life connect to the ‘server’ - The Universe/ timespace. They can see other clients and affect eachothers timelines should they overlap (in timespace).

Beings/players can choose to co-operate together, or compete against each other, either way intertwining timelines together. The ‘server’ controls the rules, i.e. the laws of physics. Matter (or the game world) is just one form of energy, behind it is the code, the electromagnetic field and the consciousnesses of the developers and the gamers themselves to co-create the total experience.


By playing here in timespace we learn how to manipulate energy - Our bodies. We develop creativity and logic, tools that we can use for both our survival and our mental, physical and spiritual evolution (or our progression through the game). We learn how to make an imapct in the world around us through our actions.

The universe has many sub-games and microsystems at play and many customised systems are available to be created by the gamers themselves. Our societies, our culture, our nations, our corporations and institutions of the modern world around us are all player-made sub systems, along with the money that drives the greed and fear machine of control.

The Fall

I don’t agree with pay-to win games and our world has seemingly become one with the need to slave away at menial tasks in order to earn the in-game currency.

There are some players who buy their way to the top with disposable income, stepping on others in their way. The power-play of the poker player with the most chips. There are also those in the game world who play the system, creating and manipulating in-game trading systems for their own gain, stockpiling masses of equipment and gold coins and manipulating newbies into doing their bidding for a pittance share of their fortunes.

There are some players that manipulate the frequencies to fix us into following their agendas. Those behind the monetary, trading and banking systems on our world are simply a few sociopathical players try to control other players with fear and the desires of the materialistic world they have enforced on us. With cryptocurrencies and platforms like Steemit we are beginning to subvert the control of the power-players otherwise known as the Military-Industrial Complex.

Most players just want to enjoy the game and use the game mechanics in their own creations, co-operating with others while improving each other's experience.

We used to build our houses now we must slave away earning enough of player-made currency controlled by player-made corporations to live day-to-day, paying thousands a year renting property from player landlords or paying thousands a year on mortgage debt to player banks while those creating and in control of the completely fabricated money live in luxury.


The Future

We must realise that we are co-developers in this game, we can change the path that we take as a gaming community, and as a species. Money in our world has a control mechanism rather than a tool for trade, but it does not need to be that way. The game has always been free to play, we have just been disillusioned by other players into playing it their way.

The aim of the game is not to collect the most ‘stuff’ but to enjoy your character’s journey in life and help others along the way. With open-world games there may be objectives to complete and win scenarios, but we can usually choose whether or not to engage with them. The obvious win scenario is creating a world in which everybody can enjoy the game.

Our ancestors went thousands of generations without money, we do not need it to survive. Our education system has become a slave-school, where we are trained to be obedient, respond to authority and work mindlessly for those at the top. But this is an open world game, we don’t have to take the same paths as other gamers or conform to their made up rules, we can find our own way.


You can buy that root from the shop or you can find or be gifted a seed to plant and nurture on your virtual farm yourself. We can only really advance when we invest time into the game, learn the caveats of life and learn how to co-operate with others, share with each other, help and learn from one another that we can subvert those at the top and advance together. We can learn from the game through experiencing it and advance in it when we pay attention to each moment, learn from our past mistakes and connect with other players.

Gaming communities help each other out with learning the game systems, with the internet we can learn about anything, watch tutorials on how to do anything and seek help and advice from a multitude of sources. You help other members of your squad, corp or team advance and improve, so that collectively you can take on bigger challenges. Just as in the world, we can connect together and we are seeing it happening right across the planet. We are evolving, both individually and collectively towards a better future, and a better time in the game for all.

We may or may not be living in a simulated virtual reality but either way we can learn, we can ask the questions and most importantly enjoy the game.

Tips for a better game for all

1 - Learn to enjoy the game yourself, connect with the inner awarness behind the controller.
2 - Learn from other players and share your story, connect together and discus ideas.
3 - Keep yourself open to new information, none of us have all the answers.
4 - Campaign to keep the internet fair and open, we can use this great tool for both learning and connecting with others.
5 - Support independent Media, take your informaion from multiple sources.
6 - Buy and invest responsibly, bank locally if you can, invest in your own communities, buy local and grow your own.
7 - Take peaceful but productive action, take part in critical mass actions, join or start community projects.

Want to know more?

If you want to dive further down the rabbit hole yourself, here are a few recommendations for further reading, exploration and a positive look to the future of the game of life:

I highly recommend watching the movie Thrive for a more in-depth view of ‘the veil’, what’s really going on in our world and solutions to the problems we face. The website accompanying the film has expansive articles on the subjects of the film and real solutions to the problems we face.

The movie series Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds for an in-debth view of our experience of life, the structure of reality, our story, our connectedness and our observations of our inner and outer worlds. It is a bridge between our physical and metaphysical perspectives of reality.

Check out the Venus Project for a vision of what the future could hold with a resource-based economy. Circular cities work in harmony with nature and resources are shared through the use of open source AI for decision-making and automation of the menial tasks so that we can focus on doing what we do best, living our lives, learning and having fun. We have the capacity to revert the damage done to the planet, advance and thrive together. They’ve also got the blog on Steemit @thevenusproject

Join up with the Ubuntu Movement, working to create communities of contributionism where we all work to common goals and towards abundance. Money doesn’t do anything, people do things. We can choose a different system without violence to get there, we must simply be the change we want to see in the world and free ourselves from economic slavery. Find a circle near you and get involved with the global shift.

There are several great Youtube channels compiling and disclosing information as we find it, here are just a few I follow:

Bright Insight is an independent researcher that delves into our ancient past and insights we can gain from it whilst also detailing the coverup and control of the information. He debunks the stories we have all been taught in our textbooks with a critical eye.

Victor Oddo guides people through the awakening/ ascension process while documenting his own journey, both ups and downs, with a ton of great energy.

SecureTeam10 is a great channel for breaking reports on the mysteries of our universe and creates an open discussion on conspiracies, extraterrestrial experiences, the coverup and the ongoing disclosure effort.

Spirit Science has a ton of informative and thought provoking animations on the nature of life and the universe, our spirituality and the science behind it as well as our real history.

Thank you for reading, looking forward to reading your thoughts!

Image Sources - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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