Should I change my mind? A helpful flowchart

Yesterday @tarazkp posted Careful on the Chain, in which he discussed an unnamed account holder wishing to remove some content which was no longer representative of them from the blockchain, but obviously can't because this crazy thing is immutable.

This paragraph in particular resonated with me

From my perspective, there is no problem with being wrong and doing 180's as new information comes to light and understanding developed but, will everyone be forgiving? The blockchain in coming years is going to lead to a whole range of interesting situations where people of all kinds must defend, justify and likely be relatively embarrassed by what they have committed their future self to defending, long ago in the past.

It's a conundrum. On the one hand you want to be consistent, have core beliefs and principles that you stick by, not to be known as a flip-flopper or just going with the latest trends of thought simply because they are fashionable. In other words, to have integrity.

On the other hand you want to be flexible, able to admit when you're wrong, to grow and mature in your core beliefs and principles, and be open minded, including open to the possibility that you should change your mind.

Should I change my mind?

It boils down to this: when new information is presented which shows us to be wrong, we should change our mind. There is a quote to this affect which goes

"When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind. What Do You Do, Sir?"

This is wrongly attributed to Keynes, the famous economist who's name lives on through his collection of economic theories as Keynesian Economics, and even to Winston
Churchhill. It apparently was actually said by a contemporary of Keynes, Nobel prize in economics winner Paul Samuelson, who said it first when defending his changing of the absorbable inflationary percentage in his economics textbooks to be smaller and smaller.

There's a flow chart for that

It is easier said than done to know when and if to change your mind. Wouldn't it be helpful if there were a flow chart to help us navigate the contraditary and conflicted world of opinion, fact, fantasy, truth, illusion and whatever else, here on Steemit?

Lucky for you I took the time to do this!

Should I change my mind_medquality.png

Disclaimer, notices, etc.

This is, of course, to be taken lightheartedly. If you like it you can print out a copy from this print quality version here.

The image is not signed, not copyrighted, nothing, so feel free to use, misuse or whatever.

If there are any errors let me know and I'll correct them.


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