Philosophy of Information War

First there was the stone-age. Then the bronze age. Then the iron age. Then eventually came the industrial age. Now, we have entered the information age.

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During each age there was a struggle for power. We see this in the stone, bronze, and iron weapons. Since man created weapons for hunting, it was a short step to realise, that these weapons could also be used against other humans as well. Tribes would compete for resources, eventually whole empires and civilisations would go to war against each other.

In the industrial age we got the mass production of weapons. Vast armies were raised and great powers clashed in two world wars. Even the vast energies of the atomic fission were released.

Now, we have entered a new age, the information age. The gradual "informationalisation" has happened in four revolutions. The first being the emergence of human language. The second being the invention of writing. The third being the invention of the printing press, and now, the final revolution, the internet.

This internet revolution is so massive and fundamental in scope, we do not even begin to realise it's ground-shattering effects. Everything about our society has to change, it has to adapt to this new technology, and utilise it for the benefit of all mankind.

However, the entrenched ruling oligarchy on this planet does not want to see this leveling of the playing field, which the internet could bring about. They seek to control the flow of information, in order to keep people in control. It's a race against time; which will come first - total tyranny, or total awakening? The choice is ours.

One thing is for sure, the whole world will be engulfed in an information war, or a spiritual war, a truely metaphysical war between truth and lies. We're already seeing it play out in front of our eyes. But it's time to stop being spectators, and start being participants in this war. For truth, freedom and justice, against the lies and corruption.

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