How to Solve the Problems of the World?

First of all, I'm so sorry everybody, I had to take a few days break from Steemit. There was a full house of guests at the motel because of some sort of war veteran memorial day trip and I just couldn't focus on Steemit and working with the Steemvoter and all that. It was all just too much, I'm very sorry. I will from now on use Steemit, but not as actively as I did, making tens of posts a day to advertise this channel. That pace leads to a burnout. Also, the constant attempts at recruiting more people to the upvote-league, I mean, that requires full time concentration. There has been this massive problem with the Steemvoter:

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And now the whole thing just says error. I'm so sorry guys, I will try to fix it, I still want to build a team of upvoting and sharing and commenting and supporting one another. I guess I should have dealt with it immediately but there has been so much going on. I will manually upvote as many people as I can and try to find a fix to this problem.

So, why I had to take this break? I was seeing that my Steemit-habits were very negative. Just needing to post something to see how many cents would come of it. But this is not sustainable long term. I need to have a plan and a program on what I post. We the users create the value of Steem through our own content. And we must be conscious of this fact. The better, more ambitious content we create, the more valuable Steemit will become as a platform. We must reflect on this fact very deeply. If the Steemit community can become collectively aware of it's own power, and the rules which govern the consequences of it's actions, and if we can learn what works and what doesn't, and eventually produce the purest, most beautiful and important content.

I will personally be producing content relating to the subjects of: The Economy, Media, Science and Philosophy, Religion, Art, politics, and so much more. Trying to find the essence of all these fields. What is the ideal purpose of the media, the economy, what's the optimal political and social system, what is the task of philosophy, what is the pure religion, what is the essence of beauty in art and so forth and so on. Trying to get to the pure core, the pure essence of the idea. The Platonic ideal, which is not the particular appearing of the universal idea, but the universal idea itself. Especially the great ideas, the so-called "transcendentals", the Truth, the Beauty, and the Good.

Although I'm not even sure whether beauty should be in that category, because it is so deceptive. Evil can come in the disguise of beauty. Beauty is also very fleeting. We may try to eternalise it in photography for example, but nothing can match the beauty of the living moment. In some way, the present moment is always eminent. The past is gone, the future doesn't exist yet, everything is in the eternal now.

But, the mathematical, and perhaps even philosophical, metaphysical truths, they seem to exist even above time. Think about the mathematical truths for example. Where and when do they exist? Clearly they exist everywhere and nowhere, they are not just true in the minds of humans, but they are true in some absolute sense, and they are true at all times, by their very nature. In order to understand this, one has to grasp the nature of 1+1=2, not necessarily just the symbols, and their interconnected meanings but the fundamental conceptual truth this sentence represents. If one does grasps the meaning of this simple sentence, it will be equally obvious that it must be true at all times, and everywhere. And, that it must be true, even if space and time did not exist.

While the mathematical truths are the most absolute, they are at the same time also the most imaginary, as we can clearly see, these concepts can not be sensed with the senses, but they can only be understood with reason. Thus their understanding is necessarily an inner discovery, the mathematical axioms are based on absolutely certain intuitions, but out of them the most wonderful and bizarre things can be deduced. And this production of mathematics necessarily follows from the axioms themselves. When we take this in to mind, it is easy to see why Plato developed the epistemological theory of anamnesis, according to which knowledge is remembering.

This division: of looking inwards with intuition and deductive reason is contrasted with looking outwards, making empirical observations and then using inductive reasoning to study the world, the division between mysticism and science, Plato and Aristotle, is still a crucial dividing line in the thinking of the world. And unfortunately dogmatic empiricism has denied the very possibility of metaphysics, and the value of mysticism all together. The British empirical philosophy has suppressed the German idealistic philosophy.

These truths of course also have their relative, and bound to time and space in human history. So, while the fundamental concept of 1+1=2 was true all the time (if we could travel back in time before humans, concepts like 1 and 2 would still be applicable and they would still represent reality when it comes to quantity), it was still invented gradually in the historical process of the development of human consciousness. We, mankind that is, gradually learned about these "eternal truths", and some of the early mathematicians like Pythagoras even worshipped the numbers as gods. So while the most simple sentence, 1+1=2, does seem to describe a very simple mathematical fact, in actuality for us to be able to even say this sentence, and to understand it, requires the whole of history and the whole of the physical universe, since my using these concepts, thinking about them, is not independent of the physical universe and the historical, cultural process which has produced these symbols and concepts.

Eventually all philosophical investigations end up in the mystical utterance: all is one. That is the recognition of the interdependence and interconnectedness of everything with everything else, and thus the recognition of the underlying logical unity of the whole reality. This oneness is contradicted with the apparent multiplicity we see all around us: the world of objects, the world of concepts, distinct quantities and qualities, and vast microscopic worlds of life, and tiny particles interacting with each other. So I'm not saying that this multitude of dinstinct objects and forms does not exist, what I'm saying is that this multitude is at the same time one interconnected network in which everything exists precisely because everything else around it exists the way it does and because everything before it existed the way it did. So all times and spaces are logically connected.

So, we need both: an analysis, breaking things apart, gaining understanding through understanding the parts, but also synthesis, a putting together, seeing the unity, and understanding the holistic natures of systems. To this method we should add the trivium method of knowledge, understanding and wisdom, or grammar, logic, rhetoric, or in-put, process, out-put. And then we ought to apply this method to the whole of reality.

So, first we take in information about reality, as much as possible, learning about what is going on, and what has happened so far. This is gaining the basic knowledge about what is going on. Then, in order to understand this knowledge, which comes to us in bits and pieces from parents, in school, through the media, through books, friends, and I guess today the most important source of information is the internet, we have to both break it apart, and organise the knowledge in to distinct categories, but also synthesise it to see how all the different areas or fields of knowledge are not independent but all connected to one another. So subjects like physics, psychology, chemistry, history, mathematics, philosophy, engineering, politics, law, economics and so forth and so on - none of them are independent fields, but they are all deeply interconnected, and with so many other fields, and only by gaining a vast general knowledge can we understand the totality of the system and how it functions. Break apart, analysis, put back together, synthesis. The old alchemical formula of "solve and coagula" must be applied to deal with the information overload of the cyber-era.

Now, after this comes the most difficult part: the sharing of this knowledge and understanding. Teaching it and it's importance to others. Actually pointing out the problems, showing what's causing them through knowledge -diagnosis - and then giving the solution to solving them, first in theory, and then in practice actually solving the problem. Now this universal method is then to be applied to all the world's social problems, poverty, hunger, injustice, exploitation, criminality, lies, wars, corruption, "elite" pedophilia, and so forth and so on.

But, what we need is a new generation with this problem solving mentality, and a desire to learn and to help others and to solve the big social problems, the solving of which the boomer generation has neglected. We need to work urgently, and as a team, to build a new consciousness, a new movement, a new set of ideas which is capable of inspiring and empowering the new generation growing up in this cynical and troubled world.

However, it has to get darker before the sunrise, because most people are still in denial when it comes to the often mocked "conspiracy theories". These theories are more often than not real, and the ruling elite seems to be a bunch of very sick satanic pedophiles raping and sacrificing children. I'm talking about presidents, prime ministers, kings and queens, popes, top bankers, and so forth and so on. These are the kinds of people who rule this planet and the results are clearly visible: mass murder called "war for democracy", totalitarian surveillance, censorship, deceitful propaganda and so forth and so on. All true crimes of the elite are not mentioned in the media, these stories are silenced and suppressed. So, humanity as a whole needs to come to grip with these facts, before we can move to the next level.

What am I talking about? Things like 9/11 and the wars that followed, the JFK assassination, how the banking system really works, the Sandy Hook massacre, declassified CIA projects like MK-Ultra, Mockingbird, Northwoods, Cyclone, Gladio, the NSA-spying and so much more. And, of course, pizzagate and all the relating elite-pedophilia rings. This insanity has to stop.

And in order to stop this madness, and bring about a total revolution, we need to build new systems in all sectors of society, new economic systems, new ethical business models, new media operations, new political parties, new art, new science, and even new forms of religion. These need to all represent the coming new golden age, when we will have gotten rid of these corrupt powers that tyrannised this world. Instead of the elite dumbing people down through mass media and mindless entertainment, all humans will aspire towards greater wisdom spiritual enlightenment together. Instead of entrenched mega-corporations suppressing new disruptive technologies to protect their market share, we'll all share our innovations for the benefit of all mankind. All the information can be shared for free with the internet. There is no limit to human potential, but we have to have the courage to face the dweller on the threshold, we have to face our fears and the dark side of society, and of ourselves. Only by bringing this darkness into the light can we disarm it and ultimately destroy it's power over the global society.

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