The questions we always had

It's kind of funny to stumble upon the behavioral pattern that I used to entertain often when I was a kid. And that is having basic questions. the self-understood and mutual agreement with the grown-ups that I can and will figure things out and that I only want to understand how things work, no matter how far-out the truth is. Always wanted to quench the thirst of curiosity.


I realize now that the questions we always had and never got a satisfactory answer for are precisely where we have been had, since.

The matrix-tale tends to be transparent in exactly those places where we had those curious questions as kids. If we can relearn to ask those questions. To chase wonder.

I remember there always being this sense of "unsatisfactory" in mind when someone replayed the respective explanation to me they themselves had never evaluated for themselves.

I also remember this distinct observation of behavioral patterns that somehow asked of the tribe to all go along with a certain interpretation of selected events and situations, so as to paint a picture of seriousness and authenticity. A mind maze to get lost in, filled with all sorts of social dogmas, do's, don'ts, manners, and customs. Only, all of them serving to build a certain worldview that ultimately leads to individual imprisonment in the mind or the cage, because the awakening human being will eventually become the greatest arch enemy of those that have seized power in the name of democracy and freedom.

Those questions... Wish I could give you all those examples but really, it would maybe be more beneficial to ask you what questions you had but never asked or did not get a satisfactory answer to - back when you were a kid with divine glimmer in your eyes and a well of curiosity in your character.

I think if we support and encourage the behavior of curiosity in the young ones with all we ourselves already carefully considered about the world and its mechanisms, we would see an enormous wave of expanded awareness unfolding on Earth as a result.

The game is no longer merely allowing kids to ask questions then granting them the uninspected version of reality we all got taught ourselves when we were young, but instead to further spark their curiosity which initially and autonomously asked the basic question, with some far-out tales of what the world might be, how it works and what questions we haven't yet solved. There's so much of it.


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