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Kant's Elements of Transcendentalism in Correlation with Logical Fallacies (Steemit Exlusive)

In Inverse Correlation to Logical Fallacies & Argumentative Structure via Immanuel Kant's Aesthetic Elements

Kant’s Elements of Transcendentalism

In Inverse Correlation to Logical Fallacies & Argumentation Structure
Translated excerpt from Elements of Transcendentalism (Transcendental Aesthetic) in which Kant explains the logical structure moving from object to phenomenon:


Whatever the process and whatever the means may be by which knowledge reaches its objects, there is one that reaches them directly, and forms the ultimate material of all thought, viz. [namely] intuition. This is possible only when the object is given, and the object is given only (to human beings at least) through a certain affection of the mind. This faculty (receptivity) of receiving representations, according to the manner in which we are affected by objects, is called sensibility. Objects therefore are given to us through our sensibility. Sensibility alone supplies us with intuitions. These intuitions become thought through the understanding, and hence arise conceptions. All thought therefore must, directly or indirectly, go back to intuitions, i.e. to our sensibility, because in no other way can objects be given to us.The effect produced by an object upon the faculty of representation, so far as we are affected by it is called sensation. An intuition of an object, by means of sensation, is called empirical. The undefined object of such an empirical intuition is called phenomenon.In a phenomenon I call that which corresponds to the sensation its matter; but that which causes the manifold matter of the phenomena to be perceived as arranged in a certain order I call this form.Now it is clear that it cannot be sensation again through which sensations are arranged and placed in certain forms. The matter only of all phenomena is given [to] us a posteriori; but their form must be ready for them in the mind a priori, and must therefore be capable of being considered as separate from all sensations.I call all representations in which there is nothing that belongs to sensation, pure (in a transcendental sense). The pure form therefore of all sensuous intuitions, that which the manifold elements of phenomena are seen in a certain order, must be found in the mind a priori. And this pure form of sensibility may be called the pure intuition.

Keeping his structures – I infer & enumerate the elements in an oriented list; correlate the inherent conceptual nature of each element to logical fallacies that may be construed as interconnected in subversive argumentation &/or rhetoric.In a philosophical sense I borrow the mysticism of genesis (Adam & Eve) as well as a term from critical theory – binary opposition– to elucidate my correlation of human thought & wisdom to knowledge being either one thing or another (correct/incorrect).0 – a priori - before the experience1 – a posteriori - after the experience


I. Object – Ad Hominin

Ad Hominin is a personal attack on an opponent instead of the  

opponent’s views.  When the special interests  

or associations of an individual or group appear to have a direct impact on their position on an issue, it is fair to raise questions about their lack of objectivity on that basis.

II. Sensibility – Reductive Fallacy False analogy + (2) False dilemma

Complex cause; cause oversimplification  

When two things compared do not match up feature to feature, and ideas compared do not logically connect or are pressed beyond legitimacy; As in businessmen as presidents/presidents controlling economy – business & soldiering overlap minimally. A sound analogy will clarify a difficult or unfamiliar concept by comparing it with something easily understood or familiar. (2) Involves the simplification of complex issues into an either/or choice. “Love America or leave it.” “Either we keep gun ownership legal or only criminals will have guns.” Such sloganizing ultimatums, although full of dramatic impact, unfortunately appeal to people’s ignorance & prejudices.

III. Intuition – Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

 “After this, therefore because of this” – an  

argument that establishes a questionable cause-and-effect relationship between events; also used by those bent on proving conspiracies.

IV. Thought – Non Sequitur

  Does not follow” – draws a conclusion that  

does not logically follow the premise; political campaigns are famous for non sequiturs.
                         V. Understanding – Appeal to Majority

(1) Ad Populum + (2) Bandwagon Appea  

(1)“to the people” – argument aimed at appealing to the supposed prejudices & emotions of the masses; sometimes functions as a smokescreen hiding the lack of ideas in an argument. (2) Familiar strategy that makes the claim that everybody is doing this and thinking that; plays on fears of being left out, being different &/or excluded.

VI. Conceptions – Straw man
Hasty generalization + (2) Faulty use of authority


Misrepresenting another’s argument to intentionally make it easier to attack.

(1) Occurs when a writer arrives at a conclusion based on too little evidence, or relies on evidence that is not factual or substantiated; one of the most frequently found fallacies.
(2) Occurs when an authority is cited on a topic outside their area of expertise or when the authority cited is not a true expert.

                                                                                                           VII. Representations – Red Herring

 Evidence that is fallaciously used to distract  

the audience from the true issue of an argument – once discovered, it indicates that an individual has little or no effective reasons or evidence for his or her position; used to confuse the audience by providing irrelevant information or evidence.

VIII. Empiricism (Scientific Method)

(1) Circular reasoning + (2) Begging the Question(1) Conclusion of a deductive argument is hidden in the premise of that argument.(2) Similar to circular reasoning – passes off as true an assumption that needs to be proven; sometimes the begged question is itself loaded with a bigger question.
IX. Undefined Object – Black & White Thinking


Nil or no grey areas/questionable attitudes;
X. Phenomena – Question causing; Mystery(I do not believe the elemental quantum of IX being the “undefined object” is necessarily coincidence – Voltaire claimed (something to the effect of) the number 9 is sacred in tandem with the concept of the vote & incorporation; the U.S. founding father’s also implemented this judicial idiosyncrasy into the seats of Supreme Court.)

I continue the structure by correlating phenomenon as mystery and applying Thomas Paine’s method of explaining reason (rationale) without the obscurity of mystery, miracle, or prophecy & concluding with the contemporary & liminal conceptknown as the Veil of Maya.


XI. Matter – Answer; Prophecy
XII. Form (Manner) – Action; Miracle
XIII. HumanitiesVeil of Maya

– The notion that upwards of 2/3rds of existing humanity does not (and at current rates of information distribution – will not) have access to the humanities (record of history, art & culture, aesthetic quality, and philosophy) in their lifetime. I would consider the concentrated, intentional & concerted effort of lifting this metaphorical veil as a modern phenomenon, & even miracle considering contemporary contradiction and information distribution models which might be leaning toward a totalitarian administration in post-modern scenarios.Please comment with any insights you have for me (even if it is in regards to article flow) or if I provided you with some insight.

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