Absorbs the useful.Reject the useless.Create the only and true for yourself.


The Huna philosophy is a way of life practiced by the native Kahunas in Hawaii. (Recall that the Hawaiian population and Polynesia inherited the ancient Lemurian wisdom.)

These 7 basic principles will help us remember how our Universe works. If we manage to have these simple present principles, we will be able to transform our reality towards a more favorable one for our lives.

I include these 3 last tips also coming from the Huna philosophy:

Absorbs the useful.

Reject the useless.

Create the only and true for yourself.

Ancient wisdom, original teaching of the elders of Hawaii. Way of life practiced by the native people of the Kahunas in Hawaii.

  1. The world is what you think it is: It is the base of the huna. This principle affirms that you are the one who creates your own personal experience of reality. By changing your mentality, you can change the world.

  2. There are no limits: There are no real limits between you and your body. You and the others, or even you and God. The divisions we generally accept are arbitrary restrictions adopted by a limited conscience.

  3. Energy flows to where attention is directed: When you turn to certain thoughts and feelings, you write the storyline of your life. The ability to focus is the fuel of your negative or positive perceptions, so, for example, do not give a person who has ignored the power to ruin your day by not giving up the incident.

  4. Now is the time: At this time, no experience hinders you, nor do you have any future obligation. In the present you have the power to change limiting thoughts and consciously plant the seeds for a future of your choice. By changing your mentality, you change your experiences.

  5. Loving is being happy: People exist thanks to love, and accepting this allows you to exist in a state of happiness and respect who you are now and in whom you will become in the future.

  6. All power comes from within: If you want to change your reality, you can not wait for a divine intervention. It is up to you to modify your existence. No other person can have power over you or your destiny, unless you decide to let him or her have it. For some, this means that it is time to stop blaming friends, family, work or society for preventing them from achieving social success and start accepting their own responsibility.

  7. Effectiveness is the measure of truth: If you sit in a courtroom you will realize that there are many versions of the truth. In an infinite Universe, there is no absolute truth, only an effective truth at a level of individual consciousness. Put simply: do what works for you.

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