~Majestic Spirit Quartz~

----Spirit Quartz----
"Spirit" ~ "Breath of God" ~ "Breath of Life"


(photo taken by @nikkicole)

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~The spirit quartz helps one manifest spiritual evolution. It aids in protection, purification, and can uplift your soul, radiating strong vibrations and energies in all directions~


~ It helps to have deeper concentration and insight during meditation. Giving you a deeper state of clarity and awareness. It will aid in the release of any fearful or negative thoughts, replacing it with feelings of harmony and peace. Filling your life with the energy of universal love. ~

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(photo taken by @nikkicole)

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~Spirit quartz helps one to realize that self shaming or blaming will only hurt you. Slowing the process of personal growth. It will help you to honor and believe in yourself. To have faith and trust in life. It helps to teach forgiveness to yourself and others~


~To allow the forgiveness of others who may have hurt you. It will help to bring balance back into relationships where the love seemed lost. Bringing in protective energies to help softly shield you from the harmful effects of your own emotions and thoughts. Bringing on the loooooove!!! ~


~Sending positive thoughts your way... #steem on and have a good weekend!~

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#love #minnowsupport #mspsteem #macrophotography

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