vice blinds

"Once we see another person's vice, it's all we see"

Not a quotation of some famous person, it's me, and allow me to explain my idea here. What i mean is that when we see what's wrong with someone else or we see how bad something they have done is, it blinds us to their virtues, no matter how small people are complex and have many sides and everyone has at least some small amount of virtue, Take Adolf Hitler for example, simply because he wanted to conquer the world and murder all the Jews, it becomes all he was about but the truth is he had much more to his character, did you know he was paranoid about taking off his shirt? or that believed that doctors would tell you that you were sick even though you were not to try and make money off of you?(he wasn't wrong btw), not really a virtue but it shows a clear example that there was more to the man. Hitler once said "You walk down the street and see two woman, one a lawyer and one a mother of 4, tell me which one has contributed more to society, We may need lawyers when we are being accused of a crime but we will always need mothers to care for the children" I am in no way an apologist for the holocaust, i fully admit that it was a horrible atrocity, however even though Hitler is hated and rightfully so but he still had some real virtues and good ideas, Hitler also believed that feminism was a slippery slope that would destroy society and i agree and yet i see the vice of feminists and far left wacko's but i wonder "what do they do in their off time?" "do they have mothers that they love as well?", i am simply asking you good people to see more than eachother's vice's, we are not after all 1 dimensional. Thanks for reading please follow me on steemit and minds.

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