The five virtues of Nathanofwashington

Good and Evil are just an oversimplified sort of hot&cold view of reality, quite juvenile really, I have already spoken how the consequences of our actions are what really matter and i still mean that sincerely, human clairvoyance and accurately predict the immediate consequences of most small actions or even big ones, however if one cannot satisfactorily figure out the correct decision it is best that you fall back on these. The following is a list of 5 extremely important true virtues and why they are beneficial and what outcome comes from them most often and how they should be used.

#1. Honesty
Lies do not often change ones view point and have away of creating stagnation, truth challenges our view's and perspectives thus moving events forward, truth is the companion of justice. Tell the truth carefully but do not lie, Tell the truth to questions and statements, but speak the truth in a beneficial way always.

#2. Integrity

Remain true to you're self and belief's and do not be swayed by the mere opinions of others, be swayed only by facts, Remember if it is true than it has nothing to fear from being questioned. Integrity is the companion of Success.

#3. Honor

When you say you will do something do it, don't weasel out of it, don't pass the buck, Do what you say. Honor also keeps us from being a detriment to society by also guaranteeing what will not do as well, (will not murder, rape, etc) honor is the companion of beneficence.

#4. Repentance

Not vicarious redemption but true redemption, clean up your'e mess, fix your'e mistakes, look back and see what you have done and make good of it, regrets are healthy. Repentance is the companion of reconstruction.

#5. Resiliency

Nurse that wound, Cope with that feeling, let it roll off of you like water off the back of a duck, when life knocks you down get back up and hit it back, Reinvent yourself always, become better, learn from your'e mistakes and you will be about as close to invincible as can be. Resiliency is the companion of strength.

these values are not only backup but all important for living a life that is truly good. We cannot continue simply living selfishly in our own little dream, we must do our part for a better country and a better world.

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