Time to cancel Dave

The woke mob is at it again. This time the person on the chopping block is Dave Chappelle, and yes, the "sins" he committed are outrageous. I mean, he, a comedian, dared to cross the line: He talked about social issues and politics.

I guess I should continue by clarifying the fact that my first lines here, including the title, is straight out sarcasm. It should be obvious, but then again who knows? Some people read the title and react right away, so I hope they make it till after the picture.


It seems like a percentage of the American population is somewhat forgetting what Comedy is all about. It's supposed to push your buttons, it's supposed to make you react, that's how it works.

Of course fart jokes don't seem to offend anyone, and a comedian could stick to those, but his audience would probably be 12 y/o and under. Social commentary and its undetachable political implications are central to any good standup these days, and the reasons are pretty obvious.

Most didn't watch

That's what I can gather from reading comments around the web. As a matter of fact, most of the woke political youtubers, the TYT's of the world, as I call them these days, had some terrible takes on the matter.

You could tell they had not watched the special at all, since they missed the point completely. The clips taken out of context, sure felt like the point was to faux outrage for clicks.


I have to ask what that means, honestly. I mean, I know what the word phobic means very well. It means irrational fear. So what people are trying to say is that Dave is irrationally afraid of Trans people? Is that it?

It could be they are trying to say that he hates trans people. Now that statement would have to be backed imo. In his special he talked about a dear friend and fellow comic Daphne. Who, and this part is heart breaking, after defending Dave from the woke crowd, was deemed a traitor of her kind. A few days after twitter dragged Daphne, a trans-woman, through the mud so to speak, she committed suicide.

I needed a few minutes to compile the information I had just received. Daphne, who became a dear friend to Dave, was bullied by the same community who claimed to fight for her rights. Can this be any more twisted? Can it possibly?

Conflating everything

Nuanced thinking is not everyone's strong-suit, I get it. But, man it can be very frustrating. JK Rowlings as far as I know was an ally of the LGTBQ tribe for years, and her possibly incorrect take, all of the sudden invalidates everything else she has ever said. Makes sense, if you don't think about it.

Can't we separate the issues? Is that too hard? Can I both say, I support the right of every person to live their life as they so want, and also say that It's important that sports continue to be fair for all athletes? Can we not see there's a necessity for a line drawn on the ground here?

Maybe I'm just getting old, but I'm seriously struggling to see the difficulty here. To me the issue is not that hard to "solve" so to speak.

Love who you want to love, be who you want to be, look how you want to look, all that is fair game, and anyone who argues against someone else's personal freedom is surely wrong. But, this boat swings both ways, right?

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