Sell it all... - thoughts of abundance and scarcity

I keep on thinking about this and honestly, the more I think about it, the more it feels right. What am I talking about you say? About this, here, us, the fake safety you and I have purchased, because we deemed it to be the right move. I mean, I'm not criticizing you, I did the exact same thing. You and I have been amassing so much crap, the idea of moving to a new place sounds like a nightmare. Does that not mean something?
It's not like I don't understand why we do it, as a matter of fact it's very easy to explain. I can easily read some history books and notice that "abundance" in many ways is very new to humanity. Yes, that is almost undeniable. Just a century ago most of us lived simpler lives, and thus never own much, never needed much. But the instinct, that's always been there.


Yes, I think that is the right word to describe it. Imagine a world you can't even imagine (hilarious line, I had to use it one day). In this world everything and I do mean everything is a struggle. You need water? Struggle to get it. Oh! You need food? - Struggle, Fight to get some, maybe if you are lucky and relentless you will. OH WHAT? YOU WANT SHELTER? - FIGHT!!! FIGHT FOR YOUR LAND, that's the only way you can guarantee it.

That world, the one you can't imagine, but yet you just did, is long gone. We don't need to struggle that much, I mean, I know we complain, but a literal bear is not waiting outside our village to eat us, not that I know of at least. So the question becomes: Did our instinct change too? Did we adapt fast enough? or are we still acting as if the Bear is on the other side of those trees?

Do you see what I mean? - My point is that, we might be victims (I don't like this word, but it's fitting) to our basic instincts (I do like these words). We are still programmed to collect resources, secure not one, but as many shelters as possible because the bear could come and claim one of them for himself. Well, maybe not the bear, but the bear of this somewhat thought experiment that you can't imagine yet you just did, is just a possibility of danger and loss.

Now, in this chaotic world, we needed that skill, we needed that awareness, we needed to be constantly thinking of ways that we could secure "treasures". Back then however, I'm sure the treasures were much simpler. A good rock to break nuts, that possessed the right concave surface was as valuable as your favorite Apple product, if not more valuable. So you needed to secure a second one, or a third, just in case.

So maybe... It's time to evolve too. Maybe its time to explore what the new paradigm proposes: "Abundance" - So that we can stop buying anchors, buying things that keep us grounded to a world that is begging to be explored. Does that make sense to you? It seems to make a lot of sense to me.

So maybe the time has come, to sell it all...

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• Are you thinking about running for witness?
• Talent is overrated...
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