What is Time?



Just a number, isn't it? Besides, we're the ones who decided it is the year 2018. The whole concept of time was created by humans in the first place; time doesn't exist.

The concept of time was engineered in order to assist humans to study and describe physical phenomena that were being observed. In Physics, the term ''physical phenomenon'' is used to describe anything and everything that takes place in the third dimensional plane, from thunderstorms to the motion of vehicles on the Earth's surface. Every measurable quantity taken into consideration when studying a phenomenon is actually evidently existent, however the same doesn't apply for time. Time was engineered to describe successive changes in a situation.

Even though time doesn't exist, its effects and consequences are evident. You are born weak and grow strong only to inevitably turn weaker again. Time's periodic pattern is always repeated, day to night, summer to winter, year to year, birth to death, rise to demise, skin to bone and steel to rust. Time is never guaranteed nor owned; our time is borrowed. Keeping such a thought in mind might motivate you to make the best of your time while you still have the time.

Time is money. If you ever think you're broke, you're wrong. You're not. You have 86400 seconds every day to organize, make good decisions and plan your next move which will guarantee access to resources. Even if you can't seem to figure out a way to make money, spend those 86400 seconds wisely. Use your time to educate yourself and do research. Nobody ever regreted having knowledge. If you can't spend your time to gather funds, use it to collect knowledge. It's like investing. Treat your time as respectfully and thoughtfully as you would treat your funds.

Another interesting fact about time is that its rate is relevant to one's mental state. I'm sure you've noticed how time flies when you're having a wonderful time. To the contrary, time stops when you're at work and can't wait to run back home! So why does this happen? It's a scientific fact that gravity distorts time, that means it's already been proven that time as a measurable quantity can be manipulated. When you move at the speed of light time stops, meaning that if one kept moving at the speed of light for 30 years (as perceived by an observer), by the time they stopped moving they wouldn't have aged at all. That said, how can one be sure that our whole lifetime isn't just one second as perceived by some other intelligence?

So much about time. And it's about time I took my dog out for a walk.

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.”
― Michael Altshuler

Thank you for your time!
I wish you a Happy New Year!

Highest Regards

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