We're All Conditioned Into Authority and Being Order Followers

We're all conditioned into being order followers until we choose to think critically, doubt, question and be curious to find the answers ourselves.


There are many capacities we are capable of, but I don't think an order following character or attitude is something we are born with as a default behavior. I wonder if we are naturally predisposed to it though?

Our parents start to guide us in life, telling us things -- what to do, what not to do -- and we listen to them. We are trained to follow the authority and orders of parents, and we do so from an early age.

This is first phase of how begin our conditioning into follow orders. The degree of control over our lives can vary. Some parents lean more towards control than guidance. Regardless, they become our first authority figures and we follow their orders. We grow away from the authority of our parents, but we can't escape it.

Next comes school, or indoctrination more than real education. We are told what to think about, and in many ways how to think. Teachers speak, we listen, and repeat what they teach. We repeat what we are told by teachers or read in books in order to pass tests. We follow the orders of the education system in order to "graduate" into the next phase of order following.

Outcome-based "education" trains us into entering the work force. Here we follow more orders of bosses. We had parents as bosses, teachers as bosses, and now employers as bosses. Each is a layer of authority in various parts of life.

When we outgrow the authority, guidance or control of our parents and live on our own, we encounter the all-encompassing authority in life if we haven't already. From our biological or adopted parents, the authority gets projected and transposed into the superstructure of the mommy-daddy-nanny state-government control and authority -- the new parental authority in life.

We are never raised properly, raised in consciousness to understand principles of morality. Curiosity, doubt and asking questions get stifled from a young age. Children who ask 'why' aren't given answers all the time, because the adults don't know the answer themselves. They aren't raising the level of awareness (consciousness) in children.

Many parents are ignorant themselves, and can't answer the deeper questions. Many parents are unraised because their parents were unraised in meaningful degrees of consciousness, such as being able to think properly, being able to learn properly, or aware of moral principles for living.

Children ask the all-important question "why", and many parents just say "because" and tell them to stop asking questions, getting frustrated at the child because they are curious and want to understand more. As a result, they stop asking more questions, and just accept things as they are, not thinking more, not doubting how things are "supposed" to be. Curiosity is killed.

We have to raise ourselves. Some children continue to self-educate themselves, not depending on their parents or teachers to feed them the answers. Some people wake up to the lies around them at some point in life, to start to learn more on their own, and some don't. Embarking on the quest of knowledge and journey for truth is deeply rewarding.

Until we decide to raise ourselves in truth and morality, we are essentially order followers: following what our parents told us, what society told us, school, TV, government, etc. We need to think and see that something isn't right with how we live as a society. That itch can get us to doubt more, to be curious and ask questions. The search for answers will lead us to search for knowledge and seeking truth. Eventually that leads to how to live right, better, just and moral.

We are all order followers, and we are all conditioned into the current condition of society, in varying degrees of wrongness and immorality. We live out a programmed/conditioned way of life until we choose to shine a light on the hidden uncritically accepted part of life, on the shadow, demon, darkness, negative, wrong, evil and immorality within us that we live by and create according to.

We are all culpable and guilty in varying degrees until we choose to stop supporting and participating in the wrongs, immorality and evil around us. We need to learn the objective difference between what is morally right and what is wrong, between good and evil expressions of behavior. These are the Double Truths, Two Truths, Two Paths (one right, one wrong). Knowing this duality and the difference between these two paths leads to the Two Witnesses of Truth and Justice (11 and 2 symbolism).

We can live without externally imposed rulers or masters, like that of government. But it will take us all to want to learn how to live that way, to live in an-archy, without-rulers or masters. We need to learn how to think better, and learn principles of morality (moral law, moral truth) as the authentic authority and rule of law to self-govern, self-control and self-master ourselves. Moral truth is the path and way to anarchy and freedom for all.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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