The Eye of Providence and the Wheel of Fortune

Most animals can demonstrate a basic predictive capacity in being able to comprehend physical movement laws or tendencies. Think of a dog that can track the progress of a ball or frizby and know where to jump to catch it in mid air. But human animals have more cognitive and creative capacities to foresee, predict and anticipate more of what is likely to come.

Eye of Providence

The eye of providence is often associated with "god", as being all-seeing and omnipresent. Governments, or rulers that act as our masters, also takes up the role of an externalized authority to watch over all our actions -- and "guard us", so they say. The "All Seeing Eye" or "One Eye" of providence is about being able to see into the future and predict what will happen. This is the one eye of our inner vision.

Prudence means foresight, prudent anticipation, foreknowledge or precaution to guard against beforehand. The etymology is pro- "ahead" + videre "to see", meaning to look ahead, prepare, supply, act with foresight.

We all have this capacity to some degree and the degree of accuracy in our foresight is based on the information we have available. This is a good skill to have in life so that we can prepare and anticipates something positive or negative that is likely to happen, and even modify our behavior to increase its likelihood or prevented from happening.

This applies to morality and learning from our mistakes so that we can not repeat them in the future and also avoid making new kinds of errors.


Syneidesis is Greek and relates to our conscience as passing judgement on past acts (as opposed to synderesis). The etymology is from syn ‘with, together’, and eidenai ‘to know’.

Synderesis (synteresis)

Synderesis is conscience as a guide to future action (as opposed to syneidesis). The etymology is from **syn ‘with’, and tereein ‘to watch over’, ‘keep guard’.

Conscience is for moral development. It's our compass to guide us and avoid making the same mistakes.

The base for our moral knowledge comes from our lives and learning, such as experience of the past. Conscience from past knowledge allows us to learn from what we do, while conscience for our future actions is about watching over what will come to be. The knowledge (eidenai) comes from the past to guide us (tereein) into the future. We exist and live in the present/past, but we work and live for the future as well.

You haven’t done something yet, but you think about what you are going to do and go into the future in consciousness -- based on the present and past in existence -- and then you will bring that future potential into the now and act upon that conception of the future you created in your mind's eye (one eye, eye of providence seeing into the future).

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”
– George Orwell

This is about generating, manifesting, creating and becoming in time, into the future based on our past actions. Not only of ourselves individually, but of the past actions of humanity that have led us to this present moment and condition.

Providence, fate, fortune and destiny is moving through the wheel of fortune/time and creating the future we want, striving to improve as we progress through time. Providence is about behavior and action based on knowing what will happen through pattern recognition of foreseeing it will happen, from a causal relation to predict it. We can take precautions to avoid possible foreseen consequences.

The eye of providence and the moral path of our future are linked. A precaution is to guard against. Synderesis is about our future actions. We watch over the future with knowledge of the past with which to guard ourselves. To watch and guard is also to protect. We protect ourselves with knowledge of the past, syneidesis, to determine what future we are creating with the continuation of current actions, allowing us to change with foresight.

The Eye of Providence, fate, fortune, future, destiny, etc., the providence of “God”, is our consciousness uncovering reality to recognize patterns of causality, and make sense of what came before, to see what will come next. The transcendental consciousness that watches over and guards us, is ourselves, if we choose to engage in this voluntary willful higher order power of consciousness. The Eye of Providence is the vision of wisdom from acquiring the light of truth and morality, the apotheosis power of being like a “god” to rule our own fate, destiny and fortune.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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