The Current Condition Conditions Us

Most of us are living as falser selves, compared to truer potential versions of ourselves we can be. There is always more truth we can bring into our lives and embody as our way of being when we have so much falsity conditioning us.


Our understanding of how to live has not been reflected upon and looked at carefully, but accepted blindly in trust and faith. We live within the standardized norms of acceptability that are provided from the hive-mind consensus-reality public-consciousness that forms our understanding and justification for society and for our way of life.

You may laugh and ignore what I say because it does not make sense to you, because it seems absurd. But not being aware of this understanding means you don't understand what I'm talking about, and shouldn't dismiss it outright. We are all ignorant of how fully and deeply manipulated, mind controlled and brainwashed we are in our current false condition. That is, until we choose to learn about how we are being fooled, and then we no longer ignore learning about our current condition to see it for what it is.

We accept falsity as "truth" and reject truth as though it was falsity. We are living within an artificial perception of reality that does not reflect its current state of good and evil honestly, because in many cases we have accepted evil as good and cannot recognize evil. We accept falsity as truth and cannot recognize falsity. We accept wrong as right and cannot recognize wrong. We are made blind to reality, living in false perceptions, ignoring how things truly are. Living in the illusion of "good" and "order".

The energy derived from the currencies of time and attention are being re-channeled into preselected pathways and limited choices. Our potential and value is being siphoned by making us dependent on economic survivability. We had outcome-based education to indoctrinate and guide us into available and restricted bodies of knowledge. This led down preselected pathways of becoming a universal constructor cog-in-the-machine that perpetuates the system and society which originally formed us all into conformity in the first place.

We often can't see society for what it is, because society made a large part of who we are, and we identify with our societies that made us. We are subjectively blinded to society because it's such an important part of our identity construct. The current condition has us, we are immersed and enamored with it's flow. Most of us go with the flow, go along to get along, and don't rock the boat. We keep what we know and are comfortable with.

Our current condition won't change if we won't see it honestly for what it is. Break free from the current.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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