Do You Care About Being Right? Why It's Good to Be Right

Do you care about being right? Or maybe it's better asked as: Do you care about being wrong? You should care about not being wrong. Not being wrong is important to choose more optimal paths to take in life.

It's an important thing to ask about our drives and motivations. Are we willing to change when we're wrong? Do we have the courage to admit we're wrong?

We won't always we right, but having the care, desire, drive and motivation to be right is important to optimize our ability to be right by choosing what's right. We can learn from our mistakes to not repeat them, and even correct them, if we care to do what's right.

If you really think abut it, it's important that you do indeed care to be right. This doesn't mean to want to be right even when you're wrong. This means that you want to have the right understanding in order to make the right decision, so that you don't make the wrong one ;)

We have many choices in life as potential paths to take.
Do we choose this or that?
Which road do we take?
What is the right path to take?

There can be 2 options we see, or 10. By comparing and contrasting their similarities and differences through logic, we can assess which options have the components that are most likely to produce the desired result we want. We narrow down all our options into picking one, the "only choice" as we often say because it's the best and most optimal choice to make out of all of the options available.

Do you want to choose the wrong path, or the least effective when you could have chosen the better one? This applies both to options you currently see, as well as to the ability to uncover additional options.

“Under analysis a person discovers that situations consist of elements, some of which are wrong and others right. If he sorts out and examines those elements, truth is easily separated from error. Some tasks of sorting are more difficult than others, but only because they are more complicated. They have more elements; therefore, they take more time to analyze, or perhaps the individual lacks knowledge of how to deal with them.

Often it is hard to collect all the pertinent facts. Some facts must be filled in by speculation, and here it is important that the speculation be done by a scrupulous person. If those analyses are continued long enough, there finally emerges a clear pattern of distinctions between right and wrong. Those who act before a clear pattern emerges are the persons whose irresponsibility is causing much of society’s trouble.”
~ Right is Might by Richard W. Wetherill, pg. 23

Eventually you realize caring about being right in our choices, and how it reflects the better choice to make, also applies to our own being, of wanting to be better ourselves. We can change, if we want to. First we need to realize the contrast of what we do and who we are now, with the possibilities that are better than that. Then we can make the choice to stay where we are or move towards something else. Without the imagination to envision a better alternative that doesn't exist yet -- for ourselves individually or for the world at large -- we won't be able to create that new reality into being.

Caring about what's right motivates and drives us to find the right path or best choice to make. The right way or best choice might not be the easiest though. The path of what's right, good, moral and true is often narrow and arduous, with trials and tribulations to overcome obstacles. While the path of doing whatever we want is wide and easy to take.

"Right is might" is the way we should live, not by the corrupt "might is right" reversal. Be right or go wrong. Truth or consequence. When things go wrong, when we make a choice we shouldn't have, we face the consequences and have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes. Chaos teaches us. Change towards the better -- towards the right, good and true -- is a natural path humanity has been taking in history. Things sometime get worse, but we keep going forward towards trying to make things better. Getting everyone to move in the same direction -- the same path and way for right or wrong -- is hard to do.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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