A Fool Hates to Be Corrected, But a Wise Person Appreciates It

A wise man appreciates being shown and corrected on their errors, for without criticism of their behavior how would they know they are doing something wrong when they can't see it themselves. If only people would want to be wise.

Do not correct a fool, for he will hate you; correct a wise man, for he will apprecaite you.

Casting aside illusions, deceptions, lies and falsity is empowering. We can be deceived into believing in the accuracy of an idea that is contrary to what actually 'is'. Once we accept these false axioms we develop barriers towards information presented that is not in keeping with what we already consider to be true.

Breaking down the falsity we accept and are attached to can be hard. Admitting wrong is hard for many, but it's required to move forward in the wisdom of knowing what is right. Admitting wrong makes us wiser. To want to be right can drive us to admit when we are wrong.

To admit that you were is to declare that you are wiser now than you were before.

We can then either choose to continue making the same mistakes and continue to be deceived through our ignorance, or we can recognize that we no longer want to be deceived, manipulated and lied to, and instead choose to reconstruct our erroneous perception of reality.

Eventually we need to admit and accept we are wrong about many things. This may require experiencing the negative consequences of our actions by reaping what we sowed through the rhythm of natural law cause and effect. Sometimes we need to suffer and fall into chaos, before we can honestly face the mirror of our actions and rise above them. We need to clean up the confused, clouded and darkened lenses of perceiving reality, and instead see reality with clarity and light of truth.

The desire to learn, especially about our mistakes and wrongs, to care for truth, can only be awakened or kindled once we realize how wrong we are. This awareness allows us to to seek to know. If no one speaks the truth about what is wrong, this process may never happen for many people.

Changing the world begins with the very personal process of changing yourself, the only place you can begin is where you are, and the only time you can begin is always now.

True care/“love” for truth is about facing the beauty and horror, positive and negative, light and dark in the world and in ourselves. Care for truth brings about the inner-work of facing our shadow, darkness, demons and negative.

These are aspects of ourselves that we come to recognize do not suit us in a positive way, and may indeed be causing us or other beings harm and perpetuating self-inflected suffering on a collective scale.

We have to admit we are wrong, fooled, tricked, conned, hoodwinked, bamboozled, uninformed, duped, misled, deceived, manipulated, lied to and mind controlled into negative manifestations in reality. That is the hard work people do not want to be honest about and face with true self-respect, to look back at ourselves again and again in the mirror.

We are responsible for what we do, what actions we take, and the behaviors we consciously or unconsciously engage in. Truth is the path and way to self-transformation. Transmuting, sublimating, purifying, healing, changing, correcting, optimizing, bettering, improving, evolving, embodying and becoming more of those values, foundational principles of truth and morality. Once we face ourselves in honesty and self-respect, we can develop the courage and willpower to change in alignment with what we recognize is right, good and true.

Sometimes you just have to die a little inside in order to be Reborn and Rise again as a Stronger and Wiser version of You!

The shadow inner-work is the phoenix burning up and dying. It is dying inside, in our inner being, that includes part of our ego-personality-identity construct. From those ashes, the phoenix is reborn a new. From the ashes, the phoenix is reconstituted, reconstructed, rebirthed, resurrected and rebuilt anew, changed, better and improved. The false beliefs in lies, deceptions and illusions have been shattered, destroyed and dissolved and not taken back into the reassembly of the new version of you.

This removes the faulty structural components of our self-concept, self-image, and ego-personality-identity construct — the false beliefs, lies and illusions — to build something stronger grounded in truth, love, good, right, etc. We can continually do this, over and over. See the truth about our actions and behaviors and what they actually manifest in reality, stop engaging in foolishness and change for the better towards the wisdom of right-action. This is a lot of continual work that many people only do part of and think that is enough.

The fool doesn't want to be told how they are wrong. They get insulted and offended, as though no one has the right to tell anyone the incorrectness, wrong or falsity they are putting out, are attached to, or are living in their life. Time to wake up, open our eyes, and face ourselves in honestly.

Admit wrong to be more right. No one wants to be wrong, that's how important having right, accurate, correct and true knowledge is. We have to want to know if we are wrong in order to actually be right in what we know or how we live.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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