Are you a “Listener” or “Learner”?

Unconsciously, we start practicing things, we are not aware of. My journey of life is going in a manner that I often reflects on my way of learning. Because if my methodologies are not right no matter how hard I try, I will not be successful in accomplishing’s my goals.

One interesting thing which I have find out in my philosophy lectures that we often misunderstood the concept of a learner or listener. The things which differentiate a listener form a learner are A learner continuously evolves that what he is learning from his studies or lectures he is applying in his daily life . Which develops his critical understanding of the things he/she has learned. A listener may be more interested in knowing the source of the things but nothing is changing in his life.
So it does not matter in what field you are what your attitude towards what you are learning makes you a Listener or a learner.

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