Knowing The Needful Continues

Have you ever been in a circumstance where you have to ask yourself, “Who Am I”? what is my life all about? Where do I belong? Am I relevant? What did I come here on earth to do? What is my perception of existence? What is my identity? What is my mission? What do I have to offer?

These and many other questions are often difficult to answer by many. The quest for survival, the quest to stay alive, the freedom to just exist and live a secured life as much as possible, has become the desire of many. I often ask myself that if one day I will die no matter the number of years I spent here on earth, then why should the priority of all my struggle in life be just to stay alive?

This should be an eye opener to us that no matter how we want to secure our lives, one day believe it or not, we will give up a ghost. It is very easy with the distractions in life for us to miss the real purpose of our existence here on earth. I have seen must people who in the bid to secure the future of their family as it where, has indulged in many embezzlement, fraud and looting of government funds, thinking that, that it their purpose in life.

The question we have failed to ask ourselves of even think of in a moment is, what kind of life would I live if I don’t have a child? Will there be any reason for my hard work? If the pursuit of your social security is taking away from you, will there still be a reason for your regular hard work? When you children become matured and live you for their various homes, what will you do? Will you be satisfied and just be waiting for death? Now I ask you, apart from child’s raising what is your dream?

In my comprehensive analysis, I have discovered that many people have never talking their time to find out the real meaning and purpose of their lives. The admiration and respect of our predecessor’s pattern is what many are following, which implies that many do not have independent concept. This lack of individual sense of reasoning, the choice of living in patterns, whether as tradition, rights and norms should not deprive you of being who you are meant to be.
I fully understand that some communities, professions and families encourages you to emulate the lifestyle of those that you want to be like, so that eventually you will turn out to be just like them. Hence you lean their life style, their life patterns, you apply their principles, ideology and philosophy which I believe is harmless. However, do not forget that God is never a duplicator but a creator. Do not allow your personality to die. Do not kill the real you. Do not sacrifice, give up or belittle who you are meant to be. You are allowed to learn all you can from your model success and add it to your own knowledge, that is wisdom. Under no circumstance should you discard who you are meant to be. Their great traits and your good traits gives you an edge over them and their success.

Being outstanding is coming up with your own glory which is the originality of your work that has not been in existence to break the previous record and set a pace. Your model may not have your unique power and ability as an individual. All you need is your extra efforts and achievements to achieve your unique goal in life.
The secret of your great success in life lays on your aspiration to overcome and beat the previously set records and the best way out is by acquiring their knowledge and adding it to yours in other to give birth to your dreams.

So, knowing who you are and where you belong, having a clear understanding of your purpose and vision in life is all about knowing the needful. So my dear friend, be original by knowing the needful!!

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