What is Love? ... Love of Difference ... Dimensions of Love #3


Love of difference is love of not-self. This is the love that says, "I love you for you," not, "I love you for how you might be like me."

In our age of self-obsession, love of difference is a tonic that helps us connect to what is beyond us, renewing our sense of mystery and marvel for the ever-arising, ever-changing aspects of the infinite.

We recognize difference through description. The love of precision and accuracy, of seeing distinction and naming it as best one can, is the value with which we honor others from a place of true selflessness. Pluralists dedicate themselves to refining perception and the use of language in order to see clearly and sharply, to take joy in the recognition that honors others for themselves.

As Aristotle said, the more you know, the more you know how little you know. Cultivate your love of difference and you will come to see how little you know-- and how infinitely variable and expansive life is.

What do you think? How do you experience love of difference? What life experiences have led you to the love of difference?

#dimensionsoflove is a place to share different ideas of love, and to revel in others' senses of love. If you feel called to, please share about your own relationship to love and its infinite dimensions and expressions. If you enjoyed this piece, check out number one and number two


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