Running in the morning: pros and cons

Many people believe that Jogging should be exclusively in the morning. Often, dining or even evening runners cause bewilderment among the adherents of this opinion. So whether it's actually useful and whether running in the morning? Or did active propaganda of this stereotype have existed for so long that now it is considered to be the truth?

First you need to consider what "magic" processes occur in the morning, that is when running is as efficient as possible. The first thing that usually comes to mind is an empty stomach. It is no secret that for Jogging stomach should be empty. Morning in this case is ideal, because after sleeping this rule is observed in itself.

Even if you eat at night, in the morning the stomach will be empty, so the body is ready to run. On the other hand, what happens if you can follow this rule in the evening?

In fact, there will be no significant difference, because the fact that you need to run only in the morning is nothing more than a common stereotype. The beginning of the day is ideal only because all the necessary conditions for Jogging are fulfilled, but it does not prohibit to perform it at other times, including in the evening.

Important factors that are almost never taken into account by the adherents of exclusively morning running – the daily routine of biorhythm. It is not necessary to explain once again that for some people even early awakening is hard labor, but to force yourself to go for a run, you need extraordinary willpower.

But even with strong motivation, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to force themselves constantly. The same applies to those who have an early awakening due to a long road to work, when there is simply no time to run. In such cases, the ideal option would be a jog in the evening or immediately after work. The main thing is not to go to the Park or to the stadium after dinner, so running is not only useless but even harmful.

If we consider the time to run, it is individually. The pace of modern society, when the end of the day there is not sufficient time even for such useful things as running, generally accepted rules of physical education have changed. Evening Jogging for many people can be even more useful than early awakening.

Firstly they are much easier to tolerate psychologically, and secondly running in the evening is fine will affect the quality of sleep. The main thing to remember is that Jogging should not later than 2 hours before bedtime.

The benefits and harm from morning Jogging

Many people believe that such a universal type of physical activity as running has no contraindications. Every person from a young age knows how to run and walk, because these movements are as natural as possible. Of course, it is impossible to refute this statement, however, there will always be exceptions to the rules.

It is necessary to examine in more detail the Jogging in the morning, pros and cons, and necessary rules, without respect for which it is better not to leave the house.

In advance of passing such obvious requirements as the right shoes and a variety of terrain for running, it is better to proceed to the consideration of the peculiarities of Jogging at different times of the day. Than running in the morning can be harmful? In the first place so that the body is not yet awake.

You will have noticed that the present revival and a sense of cheerfulness came barely to the middle, and perhaps even to the end of the run, while during the warm-up and at the start felt the lethargy and complacency. This condition is extremely dangerous for health, as most often it is because of injuries.

Of course, professional runners take enough time to warm up and start running only after the body is ready for the loads, but should we expect this from those who are constantly looking at the clock? At the same time, spending time running after work or in the evening, you can avoid such consequences.

Another risk factor, which is proved by sports experts, is that in a half-asleep state at the runner, the natural depreciation of the foot is disturbed. At first, you may not feel it, but over time, due to the increasing load on the knees can begin quite serious problems. This is especially true for people with excess weight, because you need to remember that until you Wake up and do not feel cheerful, you should not start running.

Despite such a serious list of potential threats, morning running is still a great way to maintain health, youth and slow down the aging process. During the run, almost all systems of the body are involved, which has a beneficial effect on the General condition. Thanks to the powerful release of hormones during exercise, in addition to weight loss and a charge of vivacity for the whole day, you will significantly strengthen your immune system.

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