Nobody Cares How Much Steem Power You Have...

I log on this morning and it's TEAM MINNOW this, QUEST TO BE A DOLPHIN that, WHALE this, ORCA that.

i'm a duck personally

Who. Cares. At. All.

Who gives even a tiny fuck about this shit?!

I'm so tired of it.

I used to make a lot of content that tracked my personal progress in things. How much money I was saving, how much steem power I earned, how many followers I had....

You Are More Than a Number

but nobody cares about that stuff. It's just numbers. The numbers go up or down. I really don't care if you are a minnow or a dolphin or whatever. I don't ask you for your attention based on your financial value.

What I care about is your personality, your interests, your creativity. It's the opposite of those boring fucking numbers.

Your steem power can be 100 or 100000000 and its all the same to me -- the question is, does your art make me feel things?

What You Can Do

I really encourage everybody reading this to stop sharing all of your goals re: steem power and money. Instead, share your goals re: emotional well-being and creative output. The money is actually really boring and you can learn it all from a few books whether that's the Tony Robbins book, Dave Ramsey, whatever. But it's just annoying to me to see all these groups that are just like "Look, we're the minnows, we are banding together!"

Steem is at its best when it's about anything other than the money.

Money is fuel. Steem is fuel. Imagine going to a car show and talking about nothing but gasoline?!

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