Dont Upvote Please....... Just Resteem.


Hatred is a psychological disease which controls how you act and it starts from the family down to your environment.
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Firstly, I would attribute our lives to our upbringing.
A family where the parents shouts alot affects the children negatively by giving them the notion that you have to shout to get actions.

Secondly, Religion has a negative impact in our lives.
There is no love amongst us even if we pretend to be loving biasely. A Catholic can't love an Anglican just because the belief is different forgetting we have same blood colour. A Muslim detest a fellow human because he is a Christian.
Actually I do not have anything to say because I was readin the Bible and a thought came to me about "The story of the Tower of Babel". I feel that story illustrates more why we can not be United because we were all speaking one Language in Unity until the different language matter came up after the destruction.
My thought" The Book or the creator is not a party to Unity" causing hatred amongst us.

Actually I get so irritated when I see on media wars going on, and chaos in the world which I feel is not supposed to be if we pretend to care and Love.

You dont need to upvote this.
Just Resteem if it makes sense.
I wish everyone would see this and ponder on it

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