Living by reducing expectations

"Expectations always hurt."
William Shakespeare, in fact, we can also say that he summarized the relation of the expectations with happiness to the simplest and beautiful state.

to reduce expectations, the only way of happiness is definitely

the definition of the word of economics in the book begins as follows; "for the eternal needs to be met with scarce resources ...."

the definition of "constraint" in the theory of constraints is: "the factor that prevents a system from achieving its goal."

If a person lives to be happy, that is, to be happy will reduce their needs and expectations. it will not be a limitation of itself. it will not be an obstacle on its front. There are people of such caliber, well equipped, but not happy. reason? again of course themselves.


people are not satisfied with what they have in nature. I always want to climb a step as I climb, I am unhappy, I do not even realize it, but I go down a step again.

what should he do?

must drop the joy of happiness. he must be happy with simple things. always have to index their expectations.

then you get happiness without realizing it. I do not have to struggle to be happy, the human brain is basically weak. what you suggest is believing in him. The whole point is believing.

perhaps when the realization of the act of "living" can be carried out at the right time, when the expectations can be reduced.

they know well those who fall into the sickly cradle of perfectionism and pride; it always turns into a lack of logic "after all if it is not the best". so that those who spend the first part of their lives in order to satisfy their high expectations and spending them in the spiritual abstraction suddenly reduce their lives to the level of the basal metabolism since they are now able to distinguish themselves from each other in their ability to achieve the best of everything.

where people call it laziness; but what they do is not laziness. lazy man is comfortable man. these people live with every breath they take, every step they take is as tense as possible. the wolves of perfectionism, who at first giggle, exorcise their bodies exhausted for the satisfaction of their expectations, fall into them and continue to kiss their souls in the second. your life as your sickly illness, your soul, your smile slowly.

reducing anticipation is an action associated with being "restrained", one of the principles underlying the "epicurean" point of view

we can understand that if we take human happiness as the goal of man, it can only be achieved by obtaining his wishes. but people are the ones who are constantly pursuing "pleasures". will never end. whereas the resources available at the time of these unlimited requests are rather limited. in this case it is also impossible to achieve happiness. if one becomes aware of this condition, controls their pleasure, behaves moderately, and is able to attain happiness if they reduce their expectations and organize their lives accordingly.

despite the fact that it is clear in theory, it tends to increase more in practice than to reduce the expectations of the individual.

I feel myself always happy. do you know why? Because I expect anything from anyone. anticipations always hurt.
By saying, he brought the most beautiful explanation.

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