"RISE ABOVE" - Do we dare break the cycle and forge a new beginning?

It's amazing to consider the ramifications of simply being born on this planet.

We arrive, and already our lives are mapped out for us.
Our names are chosen for us, which will be a representation of who we are,
likely for the rest of our lives.
We are enrolled in a system that demands jurisdiction over nearly everything we will do.
We are automatically subject to the thoughts, ideas, standards and limitations
of the society in which we will live.
Nearly everything we think, feel, say and do will be scrutinized,
until we conform or lash out and rebel.

It would be nearly impossible for any one of us to arrive on the planet, and be free from these restrictions.  One would likely have to be born and live away from most everyone and all civilization, in order to truly invent themselves and be completely free to live the life of one's own choosing.

If such a person/people exist, we have likely never met them, as their entering or interacting with the rest of the world would drastically alter their experience.  Their life of freedom would be so different from anyone else's, that they would likely undergo much judgment for being who they are, and forced into getting in line.  Most people would not have any frame of reference to understand someone with such an uninhibited approach to life.  It has been my experience, that people have very limited perspectives, and hence, lots of judgment on others they do not understand.

Most of us cannot even fathom truly writing our own script.
We've gotten ourselves inside a box, where our thoughts and ideas
forming our actions, are actually not even our own.
Our brains and ideas have already been formed in ways
so we may never have the opening to see another way.
We have taken on generations of social norms, right and wrong,
good and bad, shoulds, have-tos and musts.
We are to say please and thank you,
do as we are told,
and act appropriately.

There are laws and ordinances to obey,
taxes to pay, permits, licenses and certifications to obtain.
We are convinced that institutions will give us health, wealth and future success.
Most of us want to fit in and be a "good, moral person",
according to the standards that have already been set before we arrived.

Yet, are these standards up to our standards?
How about we redefine and take into consideration our own values?
Could we actually come up with and enact standards that are of a higher vibration?
Could we live by values that are actually based on love and the betterment of mankind?

How many of us dare to break the cycle and forge a new beginning?

The saying "BE the change you wish to see in the world" is not easy to live.
For most of us don't even have any idea what that means.
Most of us have never considered what that would look like,
as we are too busy doing what we are supposed to do...
and just accept that this is just the way it is.

This is OUR time.
This is OUR opportunity.

Let's dream the dream.
Let's challenge ourselves to dig deep for what moves us.
Let's go out on a limb, even if that means we must stand up to the judgment of others.
For this is our life, and the future we will be leaving our children.
Our time is short on this planet.
Let's make this world a better world than the one we were born into.
Let's leave our mark and not let it fall further into disarray under our watch.

A whole new world will not come through our complacency,
or our acceptance of what is.
If what is is not to our liking, we have the opportunity now to make a change.
It may not be easy, it may not be popular,
and it may not be what others find as "acceptable" or "normal".
But we have the chance right now.
It will be what we make it--and we're making it with the way we engage
every moment of our existence.

Let's questions EVERything.
Let's do it together.
Let's rise above!

At the @gardenofeden, that's what we're doing.  We are questioning everything and creating a whole new world, based on responsibility, freedom and the betterment of humanity.   We are rising to the occasion to make a difference, to stand in love, and to set an example of what is possible.  My dream is that we do it together, for change will be much more rapid if we all take it on as our personal responsibility.  We cannot wait for others to change, nor can we even expect them to.  Many are lost and cannot find their way. Those of us who see clearly have the opportunity, and the responsibility, to make great things happen.

@quinneaker, visionary and founder of the @gardenofeden

We're rising to the occasion.

I hope you will join us to stand up and rise above!

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