Truth Discovery. Describing The Relationship Between Thoughts, Actions And Manifestation

As with all other posts, I advise everyone to know and not to believe, whether or not, I am writing the truth about that which I am writing about. If something is correct, it does not necessitate that all is correct, nor the other way around. Keep an open mind, take the information in and remember to filter it. There is only so much information that I can put into a post at a time, without getting confused myself. But if anything I hope this post at a minimum will turn out to be something that will help to induce some thoughts, on this particular field of knowledge.

Part 1. Know Truth

Everything that is. The ALL (the totality/the absolute)

  • That which is, is;The ALL

  • The plane of thought (mind domain)

  • The plane of effect (action domain)

  • The plane of causality (spirit domain)


Thought, - Is the bridge for man, between the plane of causality and the plane of effect. Truth is independent of the individual and is what the individual must know. Leaving it up to him to understand truth, not dictate truth. Truth encapsulates everything that is manifested, as in being in effect (active) in reality. That which is the projection of the causal plane. Truth is a mirror of it’s cause. The cause is principle. The first thing. That which is necessitated for manifestation to be.

That which is under the sun

That which is under the sun is the physical plane where truth is being expressed and embedded into that which has happened and is happening, and therefore is hermetically sealed, to be, that which is truth. That which is under the sun is truth. Guarded by laws under principles which are Immoveable for man. They are there to help Man, if he learns to live in harmony with such principles and laws.

That which has happened is eternal truth and indestructible. It can not be undone.
That which is happening is eternal truth and indestructible. It can not be undone.

What is happening now or has happened can not be changed. It has already been set into reality and stored as truth.

That which has happened and is happening, has already been projected by principles, and therefore the cause of its manifestation can not be altered. Manifestation must obey principles leaving change to be made in causes and not in effects.

If we wish to occur change to what will happen, our attention must first be directed in thought, to what actions we will do in the future. Only that which has not occurred and therefore is not truth yet, can be altered. This is done by understanding what actions are in alignment with order and what actions are in alignment with chaos.

Do we want order? Then we must reflect and mirror in thinking, what creates order. Then we must mirror and reflect such thinking in our actions. Our actions are our directed projections of the cause of such actions. Our thinking. When we have acted the projection has already been manifested.

Dividing the ALL.


  • Includes the body of knowledge that contains how reality functions and operates.


  • Includes the body of knowledge that contains how Man functions and operates.

The ALL generates truth.

Man can come to understand that which is true, by knowing what is true about, that which is. That which is, is truth. Generated by principles and manifested as that which is under the sun.

Man does not generate truth. He can only act in that which is, and not create it. His actions are his own to choose, but he can never escape principles that manifest the laws.

One of such laws is that Man is NOT creator. He does not manifest anything other than actions, where such actions already is within a fixed spectrum of potential in manifestation itself. Unlocking this potential is the function of Man’s free will, gifting him with the means to choose his behavior, in degree.

There is nothing new under the sun.

Implies the fact that everything that is, has been, or will be, is not new. All actions are already potential, in inertia - and can be released and manifested, with our bodily expressions that orders the universe to correspond. But Man is only acting under the sun, where law under principles enables Man to manifest what he wanted, by harmonizing his actions with what he wants, enabling him to work with the forces of nature.

Man performs action, that communicate to the universe what he does. Then that which is, delivers. Perfectly every time with absolute respect to Man's actions and not what Man thinks of such actions.

No matter what ideology Man bestow on his thoughts, his actions are what he communicates in reality. Once actions are done they can not be undone. Principles will manifest the "spoken" (acted) communication, perfectly, impersonal and without the possibility to escape it, for principles are the causes of the effects, that are being manifested. Nothing escapes principles and nothing escapes the law of cause and effect. I can cause harm by doing that which causes harm to manifest, as the expressed truth of my immoral behavior. Man can act, as in: do, make, perform - but not manifest.

Man can have ideas and try act on them. If he is successful on acting on such ideas, he will know whether his thinking was correct or incorrect.

When we act in a specific way we unlock the potential for that specific thing to manifest. We did not create the manifestation however. We can only use our free will to act upon our thoughts and ideas. Consequences will follow actions flawlessly and absolutely divorced from our ideology of them.

Objective vs subjective




  • Perception can be aligned to that which can be known and understood as being true.

The parent child relationship


Manifestation, the plane of effect is the expression of principles. The expression is the child of the parent, which is the cause of that expression. Principles.


The same dynamic (cause and effect) can be found in Man and his thoughts and actions (parent/child). Actions are being acted in the plane of effect. Actions are the expressions of the causes of such actions. The cause of action is thought. Every action that are conscious is determined by our thinking. Action is a child of thought.

Merging the two

Man’s physical body is like everything else in manifestation, guarded by law under principles. Law and principle is not guarded by Man’s physical body, nor his ideology of what his physical body is expressing. Man is a child of the world he exist in.

This is the reason why being able to accept what can be known to be true, is the key to understanding what truth actually is.

Part 2: Truth Will Set Us Free - IF known, understood and acted on

Man’s truth

Man’s own truth - is what he must align with truth itself. That is, if he wishes to align his truth with reality. Man does have free will to ignore what is true and deny what is real in reality. - In his imagination. He does however not have free will to ignore the consequences of ignoring what is true. The barter is straight forward. Man must buy the illusions required for him to continue the false state of mind, that allowed reality to be ignored in the first place.

The truth

I am trying to explain the truth about truth, by the use of pattern recognition to validate what can be known to be true. My recognition suffer from being under my perception, and thus fallible to my limitations, such as my current threshold for understanding that which is. I can know the truth about truth.

My way of doing so is by anchoring observations, made in shared reality, the objective one, with common experience - In the hope I might successfully convey how some things actually can be known, to be singular truth expressed from that which is. It either is or it is not. Therefore it is there or it is not there. Observations of such nature has been done and is being done endlessly by all of us. The matter is whether we know it or not.

The path to understanding is knowledge

To know that which is has only one prerequisite: That Man can accept what is there to be known. Because it is there, it has always been there, and it will always be there. If Man ever wants wisdom he must seek truth, and when he does he must either accept it or reject it. This is his choice of which the consequence will follow:

Truth is Accepted:

  • Man gains knowledge from letting truth inside of him. From that, Man can generate understanding of that knowledge.

  • If then, the process of which understanding is generated, is done so with accuracy, Man unlocks his potential to act on that understanding, generated from true knowledge. That knowledge of which he deserved by knowing the truth, by accepting it to begin with.

The path to wisdom is understanding


Truth is feared

  • Man does not gain knowledge from denying truth to enter him. From that, Man generates confusion from ignoring that knowledge.

The path to confusion is to be in ignorance or in nescience of that which is true

  • If then, the process of which understanding is not possible to be generated, Man not only find himself in confusion, but in a state of mind that inflicts chaotic behavior, as there is none or an incorrect understanding that is(not) acted upon. Leaving Man's behavior in chaos.

The path to chaos is confusion

  • Knowingly so Man, acts and willfully chooses to do something he does not understand in the first place, leaving him to be controlled, becaused he lacked the mental maturity required to be free, and therefore needs a "parent" (controller).

  • If he does not know, he still chooses to engage in behavior that married him with actions beyond his understanding, departing him from his sovereignty, which happens the second he endangers others or their rightful property. Even if Man is unaware of his wrongs, he does not have a right to inflict harm on others. By willfully enganging in actions beyond his control, Man is wedding his ignorance, his confusion and his actions into a trinity of self-inflicted evil. Ordering the universe to bring about chaos when ever he acts within the sphere of such evil trinity.

The only salvation from Man and his behavior at this point, is a divorce of those illusions, that lead Man into engagement of the wrong behavior in the first place. There is no other way for Man, than to: correct his thinking.

Man must become aware and perfect his mind to the point he does not become corrupted anymore. It is either that or continue his self-inflicted subverted state of mind - Degenerating himself to the point where he becomes a hazard to others.


Truth vs. illusion


Reality is that which is real, actual and where truth can be found. Reality is where Man live.


Unreality is that which is not real, not actual and where illusions can be found. Unreality,- is not.


Illusions are not real. This is the nature of illusion. Illusions are not actually in manifestation, they are not active in that which is being projected/created from principles. Illusions are just being perceived as real. That which is not real and believed to be, causes illusions in thought.

The nature of illusion

For anything to be an illusion it has to be different from that which is. If an illusion is not different from that which is, it is no longer an illusion, but something accurately describing that which is. Illusions must contradict, that which is. Illusions can not enter reality. Only the subjective reality in the mind of Man, where his fallacious thinking lives, is it possible to house illusions.

Part 3: Man and his illusions

When Man acts upon his ideas he is mirroring in his actions, such ideas. When an idea houses illusions, Man’s actions will not correspond with that which his thinking told him. Somewhere in thought, thinking has become fallible, and therefore subject to illusion.

Luckily that which is, is not affected by Man’s illusions, but will however deliver what Man ordered through his actions.

Man can do so respectively by acting right or acting wrong. Morally wrong actions creates chaos, morally right actions creates order. Where creating is performing such actions, that makes the universe manifest, what is good or what is evil, within the possible boundary of our free will - That is, if the actions are conscious, known and understood, .

  • We can willfully do that which is good or evil by knowing the consequences of certain actions.

  • We can not willfully do that, if we do not know and therefore do not understand, that which is the nature of an action.


Believing that Man can manifest that which is expressed as truth is the hallmark of solipsism. Such attributes belongs to first causes. Principles. God, The Creator, ([insert]whatever generating principle you like to attribute such first “thing”). Like big bang creating everything in nothing, by explosion.

Solipsism in dialect.

Confusing the relationship (parent, child relationship) between that which is and that which is ideology pulled over that which is, can result in a solipsistic mindset, where the nature of actions are determined through ideology. Leaving the creator of that ideology as the creator of that which is. - Causing solipsism as a return of mental karma for disobeying principles (disconnect).

Read more about solipsism here:


  • Actors are for a script, what actions are for thought.
  • Actors reflect and act upon a script, which they then reflect in their actions by mirroring what is in the script.
  • Actions reflect thoughts of which then can be mirrored in action.
  • The script is not manifested, only the actions of which the actors are mirroring from the script are. As the expression.
  • Thoughts are not manifested, only the actions which are mirroring thoughts are. Actions are behavior and that are being acted in manifestation.
  • The only place thoughts manifest is in the mind.
  • The only mind that can manifest is the Mind of The All. Not Man’s mind.
  • We are merely acting in; Creation; Manifestation; That which is the place we exist in.


Mirroring the sun in a mirror will reflect the sun, but will not manifest the sun. The same dynamics are in operation while reflecting thoughts in actions. This dynamic is also why millions of individuals can have different ideas about the same actions, while achieving the same thing. E.g. drinking water (action).


This post hopefully point out how I recognize the relationship between thoughts, actions and manifestation.

Thanks for reading!

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