The philosophy of banana trees/filosofi pohon pisang

1.Banana Trees Can Grow Everywhere
Did you know that the banana tree can grow anywhere including in a barren place, banana tree is very strong and always survive wherever he is. Similarly in this life, we must imitate a banana tree that can live anywhere, no matter what it is and always try to stay alive, and not easily give up with the circumstances.
2.The banana tree will not die before he gives out his fruit .
The lesson we can take in this second point is very clear, that in this life we ​​have to work, produce something that can benefit other people, so we should try our best to produce the work even though later we are not enjoy the results of our hard work is like a banana tree struggling to grow for the fruit that other creatures can enjoy. Meaning not to die before fruitful, in general we can mean never leave a place without leaving an impression or a good work. In order to do that we can always do good wherever we are, because at any time we may be forced to leave a place suddenly and can not be delayed again.
3This third point is the part I like most about the banana tree philosophy. Have you ever heard when making a building, do not leave a tree / banana cubes in the land that we will build ?. Banana trees covered by buildings (concrete), long banana tree that will grow to destroy the concrete building. From the third point of this wisdom we can take is, banana tree that has a soft tree species can destroy stro imageng and hard stones. Similarly we, even if we are weak we must try as hard as possible to destroy things that hinder us to achieve dreams or aspirations that you want, do not despair.

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