What is Philosophy? A simple Guide for the Curious!

Philosophy is an ancient discipline that has always sparked human intellectual curiosity. But what exactly is philosophy? It's not easy to answer because this question has had many different answers over the centuries. Here, I'll give you a clearer and more fun idea of what this fascinating discipline is all about.


Where Does the Word "Philosophy" Come From?

The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek "philos-sophia," which literally means "lover of wisdom." This suggests that a philosopher is someone who loves knowledge and wisdom. Despite the frequent use of the word "philosophy" in everyday language, its true meaning goes beyond phrases like "philosophy of life" or "taking things philosophically"【6†source】.

Philosophy in Antiquity

Originally, philosophy was a discipline that encompassed all forms of knowledge: from science to literature. Thinkers like Aristotle and Plato dealt with biology, physics, astronomy, and mathematics, in addition to more abstract philosophical questions【7†source】. Imagine ancient philosophers as knowledge superheroes who knew a bit of everything!

How Has Philosophy Evolved?

With the scientific revolution of the 15th and 16th centuries, some disciplines began to separate from philosophy. Physics, astronomy, chemistry, and biology started using experimental methods, becoming independent. Today, we no longer call a physicist or a biologist a "philosopher," even though their pursuit of knowledge is similar in spirit【7†source】.

What Is Philosophy Today?

So, what is philosophy today? We can define it as a discipline that seeks knowledge and truth, both theoretically and practically, primarily using reason. Philosophy stands out because it doesn't necessarily rely on experimental confirmations but on reasoning and reflection. It’s a discipline born from humanity’s sense of wonder and amazement at the world【7†source】.

The Main Branches of Philosophy

Philosophy is divided into two main branches: theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy.

Theoretical Philosophy

It deals with more abstract and general aspects:

  • Metaphysics: explores what lies beyond the physical and sensible world, dealing with concepts like God and the soul.
  • Ontology: investigates the nature of existence.
  • Epistemology: studies the mechanisms of knowledge【7†source】.

Practical Philosophy

It focuses on more concrete issues:

  • Ethics: deals with human behavior and the rules for living a virtuous life.
  • Politics: concerns collective choices and creating a just society.
  • Aesthetics: explores the concept of beauty and its role in our lives【7†source】.


Philosophy is a vast and complex discipline that encompasses many aspects of human life and knowledge. It is a continuous search for truth and understanding, guided by reason, which helps us explore the deepest and most mysterious questions about existence and reality. It stimulates critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and the search for meaning【7†source】.

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I hope this post helps you understand what philosophy is in a light and fun way!

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