When the Spaceships Come Make Sure You Get on the Right One


In the Grip

The dragon motif is a familiar theme in China. It harkens back to an ancient time when the dragons ruled their subjects directly. Now the dragons are hidden, using their human counter parts to do their bidding. Also a familiar motif is the dragon having a firm grip upon the earth symbolizing it's absolute control over the planet.

Who's who in the zoo !

The dragons also known as the repitilians are not our friends. They have used us as slaves and food for millennia. On the other hand there are some aliens sympathetic to the plight of the human race and are willing to help. So when the spaceships come how do you know which one is safe to get on? If you make a mistake you'll end up as an off planet slave or food for sure.


Ennie Meenie Minie Mo

If your not sure which spaceship to board you can always use the Ennie Meenie Minie Mo method of deciding. An alternative may be to examine the above picture. Here we see a dragon in what appears to be a turtle shell. That seems rather odd. Examine the image closer and you'll see the pot in which the dragon is seated is filled with gold ingots and coins. Ok, this makes more sense. We know that dragons love money, especially gold.

And what about the turtle shell itself. There is a cloud inscribed on the side. Hmm, beginning to get the picture. The turtle shell is the representation of the spaceships used by the reptilians. So the dragon in the turtle shell is actually a representation of the reptilian in his spaceship.

Decisions decisions decisions !

After coming up the above conclusion on my own I read the book Tribulation by Scott McQuate. In it he states the Anunnaki (reptilians) have turtle shell shaped spacecraft. And that you are best to avoid getting on any spaceships with this shape.
He also said that the spherical spaceships are operated by friendly aliens, though he doesn't say who they are.

Armed with the above scant knowledge we can draw the following conclusions.

  1. Don't get on any turtle shaped spaceship.
  2. Maybe get on a spherical spaceship.
  3. Don't get on any space ship.

I hope this helps. 😂

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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