FAKE Reality


Forget FAKE news, we live in a FAKE reality!

The Structure of Our Fake Reality

We live in a matrix composed of an almost infinite spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies. Our brains decode a tiny fraction of this spectrum into third dimensional reality. Our limited perception keeps us focused in this space-time continuum, accepting that what we can experience with our five senses is all that there is.

But we are not our bodies, our beliefs, our thoughts, or our emotions. And we are certainly not our skin color, our political leanings, or our religious faith. We are multidimensional beings having a 3D physical experience.

Our goal here is to experience and learn, and( when we are ready) to step out of the limiting bounds of 3D "reality" and experience our multidimensional selves.

Our fake reality has many fake traps to keep us here in 3D. We have fake money, fake governments, fake religions, fake news, fake wars, and fake medical institutions. And by fake I mean they are based on LIES.

Ready to walk out of our fake reality?

Rid yourself of all attachments and fears is the first step. After that your intention will set you free.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Fractal image by Cosmic Cowboy

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