Integrative Philosophy #2: Self-absorption, Paranoia, Passion, Stupidity, Poverty and Anger

According to Buddhism, we have 6 major versions of reality, each with its own flavours of security and attachment. Each person will handle their day to day activities with a style often reflected in one of these realms. We may visit a number of these realms each day and we often have our own favourites.

For the intro to Integrative Philosophy:

Self-absorption (God Realm):

  • May involve states of bliss and altered states of consciousness which are created by the mind
  • Meditative absorption and mental fixation
  • A self-consciousness that confirms its own existence
  • A spiral of losing track of hope (of gaining pleasure) and fear (of failure) as they fluctuate and may merge in bliss; but just as a oneness of ego, not enlightenment
  • This state does not last, some aspect of karma kicks in, irritation and disappointment arise, we feel cheated and switch to another realm

Paranoia (Jealous God Realm):

  • Everyone is trying to oppress me and mine, those who do not help me are selfish, why are people playing games with me?
  • Intelligent and sees all of the hidden corners but through distrust, ignores all situational or environmental messages
  • Defensive pride based on extreme efficiency and accuracy
  • Fast moving and trying to accomplish everything at once and avoiding attacks pre-emptively, acting sometimes without preparation
  • Trying to achieve higher and greater, uncovering every possible risk
  • Preoccupied with competitiveness, a comparison of achievements and progress, opponents are everywhere
  • Willing to fight face to face, always exposing the plot against us

Passion (Human Realm):

  • Intelligent, a logical and reasoning mind is always grasping towards happiness
  • A sense of nostalgia, loss, longing for past pleasures
  • Not feeling attractive enough, we wish to attract situations and company that are the most pleasurable, sophisticated and civilised in order to feel comfortable and happy
  • Often critical attitude of other people, comparison is fussy and selective and for those who do not meet our standards, criticism and condemnation follow and for those who do meet our standards, admiration
  • We have our own ideology and style, there must be a right balance in everything
  • A jealousy in wanting to equal an admired person, such as fame, power or wisdom
  • Endeavour to achieve some high ideal, identifying with the greatest heros or heroines in history…and a focus on what we lack in comparison
  • Strong emphasis on education, learning and attaining knowledge, collecting info and wisdom
  • Intellect is very active with constant churning of plans, dreams, always looking to attract new situations
  • Very busy and less pride than other realms
  • There is less satisfaction here because there is less indulgence in suffering and there is a constant search to improve one’s situation

Stupidity (Animal Realm)

  • Do not see the environment around us and we do not hear the messages given by the environment, only see our goals and only the means to achieve our goals, constantly making justifying excuses to meet these goals, often with a perceived sense of honesty and sincerity
  • Have a style of relating to ourselves and are unaware of this style and refusing to see how others see us, shocked at seeing ourselves in video
  • Clever in always finding a way or an excuse to justify unskillfulness in many situations, happy to lie and deceive if not called out
  • Stubbornly pushing forward with predetermined goals, looking ahead with blinders, trying to adjust and conform situations to expectations
  • Extremely serious and deadly honest, don’t really smile or laugh but just behaving, there may be friendliness but a sense of humour is lacking, jokes are only used to relieve tension, pressure or self-consciousness
  • Likely to play deaf and dumb, to follow the existing rules and not reinvent them, following along based on instinct
  • We have a secret desire and we will push through obstacles and irritation regardless of hurting others and destroying valuables
  • Tasks may include day-to-day or intellectual projects, but always with an animal style
  • No surrendering, little openness and continually pushing forward, regardless of obstacles, pushing our way through

Poverty (Hungry Ghost Realm):

  • Trying to expand, consume, become rich while always feeling poor, inadequate while pretending not to be
  • Always hungry for friendship, wealth, sex, power, possessions, everything is to be consumed
  • Once something is consumed, time to look for something else
  • Always need to be entertained, constantly consuming wisdom from others, squeezing ideas, writing and trying to relive these experiences, making it tangible and solid
  • The more we want the more pain we feel as we realise that we can’t get it or have it
  • When we find what we are looking for, we become stuffed and can’t enjoy it, constantly frustrated

Anger (Hell Realm):

  • Aggression and perpetual hatred permeates everywhere, aggression seems to come from everywhere and is reflected back upon us
  • Claustrophobic, overwhelmed with no space to breathe and act, communication ceases
  • The more we destroy, the more we create that which also needs to be destroyed; the war of one-upmanship never ends
  • Created and based on relationships in the outside world
  • We do not feel protected or secure enough, rather than feel lonely and cold, we rekindle the fire and fight constantly

Future articles

This provides some detail on the boxes provided in ‘An Integrative Philosophy.’ This will be a starting point in further discussions regarding many current issues.

Reference: Transcending Madness – Chogyam Trungpa


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