Controlled Chaos

I want to continue the theme that I was writing about recently, the lack of focus on results and discussing the metaphysical. It's important to remember that this is just my perspective on how I describe things and not meant to convince anyone of anything. I want to discuss my thoughts on the duality of existence and why some see chaos and others see order and what I think it's about. In my mind, it's really all about control and lack of control and how they are ultimately the same thing.

Usually when I'm discussing these concepts with someone, they are suffering from depression and trying to find meaning and purpose. I wrote previously that I feel like depression and anxiety come from being caught in a paradigm shift, but it seems that too is something that needs further explanation. I view a paradigm as the type of life and way of existence someone either has or wants people to think they have. If we want people to think we are successful or wealthy, then we can either be those things or try to convince people we are those things. When we are caught in a paradigm shift it's usually an indicator that we are in some way not living up to our own expectations and trying to live up to the expectations of others.

How do we get out of a paradigm shift? How do we control who we are and what we want? Personally, I feel that the first step is doing a lot of self reflection and discovering what beliefs we hold that are not in line with our own. If you were raised by parents that tell you that all successful people go to school, graduate college, and buy a house and get married right after finishing their education, then you are setting an unrealistic expectation yourself that you didn't plan or want. Letting go of that illusion removes the external pressure to conform. We are then free to focus on other beliefs that we need to clear up or focus on being present and following our own desires.

I've often written that I believe in order and that everything happens for a reason. I still feel that way, but I can see now how it can be viewed as the opposite as well. Honestly I try to avoid focusing on the order or the chaos of it all, because the fact is that you can make yourself see whichever you want if you try. In my mind, everything happens when and how it should and that if we aren't where we want to be, then we don't really want to be there. You can view this as chaos or order depending on the perspective, but I feel that we are all infinite reflections of the source consciousness or "god" entity or whatever you want to believe in or not believe in. Order is found in the absence of controlling the chaos and chaos is found in the absence of controlling the order. The final joke of duality, from my perspective, is that it just is what it is and focusing on it and trying to control it is only going to cause depression and anxiety.

So how do I make peace with all of this and still be a happy and encouraging person to others? I feel that we either want to control others to get what we want from them, which in turn is our attempt at controlling the universe and leads to chaos, or on the other hand we show compassion to others and try to help them along their own path and in turn we are helped along our own. The people that come into our lives do so because they want to be in our lives. There is no need for ulterior motives, there is no need to hide anything, and there is no reason to judge others for not wanting the same things as us. Trying to pick and choose who comes into our life and who stays in our life isn't authentic at all. The one's that are meant to be with us are with us when they are meant to be for as long as they need to be. None of us make it out of this life alive and we aren't taking anything with us. The only thing we leave behind is what we share with others and how we impact their lives. We create reality in everything we do and when we're done we move on to whatever is next. Namaste.

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