The Cabal Falls, Let’s Build a New Earth

The Cabal Falls, Let’s Build a New Earth
(By Vic Buaquen)
The Cabal or Illuminati, as known by some, could be viewed by an ordinary lay person, as a group of people who deem themselves different and superior to ordinary humans like us. They claim to be descendants of the biblical Nephilim giants who were the off springs of “fallen angels” and daughters of man. They evolved and look no different from us today although they were inheritors of superior intelligence and technology from their off world parents that enabled them to dominate the whole ancient world. Proof of this is the emerging and uncovering that the royalties and rulers of many ancient societies had elongated skulls just like what the pharaohs of Egypt had. One other distinction they have is that, they worship Lucifer and believe Christ to be the bad guy. (Reference: )
The fact that they were able to sequester 99% of the wealth of the world (Reference:, for their own, is evidence enough that they almost succeeded in enslaving all humans and becoming the rulers and owners of planet earth. Indications is that they are 1% or less of the earth’s population. Thanks to what we may call the Alliance today who fought and opposed the Cabal for hundreds of years. The Alliance consists of humans and positive off worlders who have practically defeated the Cabal, today. And, if I may add and assuage our human understanding, God who created and gave us of his Essence and Divinity would not allow or consign us to be slaves to other beings. Perhaps He allowed us to experience such a process for our own ultimate good and evolution to something much grander and glorious than what we are at present. Just like how the Israelites in biblical time became slaves in Egypt?
And so, the Alliance has defeated the Cabal. The Cabal is practically leaderless and their power structure in the world (among them the mainstream media, giant pharmaceuticals, weapons manufacturing, many legitimate industrial/financial concerns, as well as lucrative criminal activities such international drug dealing, human trafficking, etc) is systematically being dismantled and their members being charged for their crimes against humanity. They are fleeing in droves to South America, to some safe havens they have under the ice in Antartica and even to off world destinations with their space craft. No one is allowed to leave, however, and every single one of them will eventually face justice. The war is still not over though for many of them are determined to fight to the end.
There are some 60,000 sealed indictments as may be verified with official government court record that will be the basis of arrests of many cabal members which expectedly will be served in mass very soon. (Reference: ). Many of the first arrests will be prominent figures in US politics. There is even a report that one unsealed indictment is against the Clinton Foundation for money laundering with a Fonseca bank. A question is even being circulated whether many members of Congress may not formally be seated this year but be arrested instead. It will be unmistakable when this happens and indicate the progress of the struggle against the Cabal.
One anticipated development that will have a fallout effect on everyone is when the 99% of the wealth of the world amassed by the Cabal gets returned to the proper owners – the people of the world.
Due to its relevance to earlier discussions we had, let me make mention that a report that cryptocurrencies is a product of the Alliance in its fight with the Cabal. (Money Morning Bitcoin Show: Thomas Edison's Renegade Currency
). When the Federal Reserve gained illegal foothold in American society in 1913 and began printing dollars with no precious metal backup, Thomas Alba Edison, the famous American scientist and inventor, in 1921 made what he referred to as a more democratic currency which was supported by Henry Ford and other luminaries of American society at that time. The Cabal promptly opposed and apparently silenced such move temporarily. The bitcoin is the re-emergence of Edison’s more “democratic” currency.

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