Rambling Thoughts

Rambling Thoughts
(By Vic Buaquen)
My classmates and myself are deemed in the pre-departure to the afterlife and many of us have actually taken off and gone. Be it as it may, a question crossed my mind for those of us still lingering around. Is there still anything that remains to be important and needing our serious concern?
Perhaps, it is to take a perspective of what our life has been and ponder where we are headed when we ourselves do take off too. What I will be sharing here are my personal thoughts with those who will find it worth their while reading it, for a comparative look and learning, if not to spur them to take a stand or take a personal view on the matter. My apology, however, for those who find it pointless or nonsensical.
Being born and living in a Christian world, I understand our view of having been created in the image of God, going through life in a dualistic world and eventually going to heaven or hell as a judgement on how we lived our life on earth. Seems quite simple as a postulate or supposition. I can subscribe to it but not the end part. I cannot reconcile with or accept the thought or the possibility that the divine in man can be condemned by its Creator to eternal pain, suffering and damnation. I cannot see God punishing anyone here but Himself. Nothing can part us from God because the very life or energy that enlivens, animates or quickens us, is God. The bible says that even when we make our bed in hell, God will also be there with us. Without God, man is a null, a void, a nothing. Is it not that God is LOVE and loves man, his creation, unconditionally? Such a God does not judge or punish.
Besides, the idea of a heaven and a hell is obviously an extension of a dualistic world of which the afterlife is most likely not. If the afterlife was dualistic, then there would have been no reason to create our dualistic world. A very telling point that a vengeful God is indeed manmade.
The free will of man is not of man but of God, from God and bestowed to man by God. I cannot help taking a look and making a comparison to what we as parents do, if and when our children do some serious errors. Do we condemn them to eternal punishment? Definitely not. We love our children enough to give them always a chance to do better next time. And LOVE, including our love for our children, is it not of God, by God and also given to man from God?
This concept or belief about a punitive and vengeful God, smacks strongly, to me like, it is a manmade idea created for the ulterior motive of controlling or enslaving the masses. Looking around, the conspirators or authors of such an idea almost fully succeeded for they have come to amass 99% of the wealth of the world leaving more than 99% of mankind in dire need and poverty. The tide is changing and it appears that man is awakening and starting to see things for what they are. We are moving forward, advancing and the Light, with compassion amongst us, is becoming more prevalent. Each one of us does have a role in this change. Agree? God is within each of us and cannot be thwarted in whatever plan of glory He has for us all.
Reasonable, fantabulous or delusional? You decide. Each of us has free will, remember?

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