Continuing Wonder 4

We will make a point at this time that science does have an explanation on the origin of man – Darwin’s theory of evolution. Darwin arrived at his theory from his study of animal behavior in a small island in the Pacific for a period of time about 160 years ago. He then made generalizations from his observation that he claimed applied to all, including humans. This is how conflict, separation and competition became the framework and structure of our culture, beliefs and attitudes. Life was, accordingly, the survival of the strong and death or weeding out of the weak. Modern science through emerging knowledge on DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), however, disproved all these. It was found and proven that nature had a bias towards cooperation and mutual aid of all life which is opposite to what we believed since the time of Darwin. DNA analysis showed man suddenly and inexplicably appeared on earth 200,000 years ago remaining physiologically the same today. (Reference: )
Science then was in error about man’s origin but has corrected itself, still leaving us on our quest for who we are. Something noteworthy must be mentioned here. This DNA study concluding man suddenly appeared on earth is truth that mainstream society refuses to accept and recognize, together with other new scientific peer-reviewed findings. They should now be in mainstream thought, textbooks and schools. That this is not so tells us that the powers deluding man and enslaving the gullible through history, are still very much in place. It is time for them to be taken out and prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.
Let’s talk a bit about DNA, the smallest unit and template holder of biological life. The Human Genome Project headed by the US and undertaken with a number of participating nations, for ten years and ending in 2003, was expected to provide a quantum jump in health, longevity, knowledge and a whole lot of other benefits. It began with exuberance and loud fanfare but ended with hardly a peep. The linear, synaptic and three dimensional mind of man can only determine use of 3% of the DNA with the rest being considered “junk” product of evolution. Russian research indicates otherwise.
A Russian scientist calls DNA a biological internet far more efficient than our artificial internet. (Ref: ) Their frequency experiments on DNA explained phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, remote healing, spontaneous remission, affirmation techniques and possibly a new science of healing through influencing or reprogramming of DNA.
In earlier experiment in the US a DNA was split in two. One was sent 400 miles away. (Ref: ) It was shown that the response to any treatment given to one of the halves, the other half demonstrated instantly the same exact response This gave rise to the terms “non-local space” and “non-local energy” giving rise to remote healing.
We mentioned earlier that what creates man’s reality is not his intelligence, talent or skills but his feelings and emotion. Above cited experiments show that DNA interplay with the world to create our reality according to the input and posture it assumes in response to our feelings and emotion. Man does create his reality, knowingly or otherwise and even willingly or not.

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