Continuing Wonder 3

Continuing Wonder 3
(By Vic Buaquen)
Am continuing this exchange with whoever wants to do it with me. Am hoping that this can result in some gain in worthwhile understanding or knowledge. I am just a seeker for acceptable answers and am not a proponent of any belief, creed or religion.
With science’s latest finding that the heart, not the brain, is the main guidance system of the body, let’s ponder this. When people gesticulate to refer to themselves, as they say “I” or “me,” they simultaneously tap their breast or point to their heart. They do not point to their head or their brain. Says very much?
One other lead from science that we will consider here is the finding that there is a particular bias in the creation of the universe which they call “intelligent design.” A good example of this might be the fact that darkness in a dark room could be dissipated or driven away by the introduction of light in the room. This is a bias because it could not happen the other way around. The introduction of darkness in a bright room cannot drive away or dissipate the light in the room. Which defines darkness – the absence of light. This should dispel the belief or imagery that darkness has with it a powerful evil out to harm or capture men’s soul. Darkness is simply a void and nullity that has no power or energy of its own.
What bias might there be in humans, according to our “intelligent design” of the universe? Our having a conscience is a good evidence of such a bias. Our ready response to positive things such as goodness, beautry, love, etc as well as our repulsion to negative things such as ugliness, cruelty, pain, suffering, etc. are good indications too. The owner of the conscience that reacts to outside stimuli is the “us” that we are looking for. Yet this too is very little information about us.
The many NDE’s (near death experience) that are very much talked and written about inform us that we are not our body. Invariably, all those who had NDE changed dramatically. They no longer fear death and want to get back to that state they found themselves while out of their bodies. They became more positive humans who also positively influence those around them. They, presumably, have seen who we truly are while they were gone from their physical bodies and that knowing caused them to become more caring and loving individuals upon their return to physical life. This says very much on who we are but not quite enough. Nonetheless, do we still need to have an NDE to change for the better?
We thus far deductively arrived at having a conscience and that we also respond to stimuli showing a strong bias for positive things and repulsion to the negative. NDE experiences corroborates this and tell us we are not our body. That whoever we are, we are more truly resident in our heart than in our head.

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